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CAN AKIN Gözüyle 



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Stories Of Memory - Uncle Ece & Little Can - Written By: Can AKIN
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Stories Of Memory - In Balikesir City Uncle Ece And Little Can - Written By: Can AKIN

Balıkesir'de Gazi Ece Amca Ve Ben Öykü Kitabı - Yazar: Can AKIN

Balikesir Ciudad, Su Héroe Ece Amca Y Yo Escribir: Can AKIN -

В Балъкесир Чичо Едже И Аз- Писател: Джан Акън-Разказ 
Balıkesir'de Kurtuluş Savaşı Gazisi Ece Amca Dokümanları - Can AKIN

                       In Balikesir City Uncle Ece And Little Can

                      Stories of Memory

                       Written by: Can AKIN 

                      Translated by: Nilufer DURSUN



                       Iwish the he­ros as Unc­le Ece who de­vo­ted him­self to the hu­ma­nity wo­uld al­ways li­ve both in our co­untry and in the world.

                       In the world of to­day we only me­et he­ros in story bo­oks and on te­le­vi­si­ons not in the re­al li­fe.

                       We fe­el sad that our chil­dren, yo­uth and we adults al­so ne­ver gi­ve so­me help on de­ve­lop­ment of so­ci­ety for the fol­lo­wing ten ye­ars. 

                      Be­ca­use we are ac­cus­to­med to the se­cu­rity of mo­no­to­no­us, con­fort; we don't gi­ve so­me help not only our­sel­ves but al­so ot­hers. We are not ab­le to chan­ge any­thing. Li­fe is a li­ving pa­in­ting which is co­lo­red mo­ment by mo­ment. This pa­in­ting be­co­mes co­lo­ur­ful every day with a litt­le tho­ught which we are go in­to ac­ti­on. That's eno­ugh to de­ci­de to li­ve mo­re un­ders­tan­dab­le in yo­ur he­art and sha­re yo­ur li­fe with the ot­hers. 

                       That's eno­ugh to de­ci­de to be the he­ro of a litt­le child, an adult yo­ur fa­mily and hu­ma­nity the rest will fol­low… Alt­ho­ugh you don't know, ot­hers know you, no dark­ness what­so­ever can be hid­den the rea­lity.

                       I de­vo­te this bo­ok to Unc­le Ece, un­na­med re­al he­ros, and the ones who de­ci­ded to be a he­ro…
                        Can AKIN


                       'Human being is created the most superlative of the living things however; to become a human being is possible to search the important and necessary values for the life and carry them out.'


                       CAN AKIN IN YOUR LIFE DON'T FORGET:
                       'Life is meaningful when it s shared with others, when we devote ourselves to the education of humanity and young generation with an honor.'

                      Uncle Ece

                      'The real heros who aren't strangers in our minds, devoting themselves to the devolopment of the humanity, brave enough to make great changes with their little efforts live in our hearts forever.

                       Can AKIN 




I thank Uncle Ece who helped me and my school mates with his love, knowledge, support, my teachers, real friends and my real comrade with all my heart.

                       In addition I thank poet and author Nilgun NART who suggested me "You have to publish this story" when I told her some part of my life and finally I especially thank educator, author, poet and my real comrade Nilufer DURSUN who translated my book into english and introduced internationally. 

                       Besides the teachers of Balikesir Primary School who have been training the most succesful students of Turkey by saying 'Education Starts By Loving The Child'

                        I THANK THEM...



                       PART I

                       GLOBAL HEATING
                       Between the memories of my chidhood, Uncle Ali Saip Ece who was the ghazi commanders of the Indepence War takes a private place in my heart. When I remember him I always hear his voice:

                       "Can, my son."

                       With a melancholy on my face. Not only me but also my class mates have been lucky because such a valuabla person taught the virtueses of life. All of us loved Uncle Ece with our childish hearts. We are all from Balikesir; for this reson in the following years love of Uncle Ece got us together. It was an intersting and unexpected meeting.


                       All the students of elementary school have been known Uncle Ece who devoted himself to the education and children. He was well known for his speeches on the virtues of being human and morality. In 1910 Uncle Ece graduated from The Military Acedemy, participated in the First World War in the fronts of Suveys and Canakkale fronts. After he had been wounded he retired in 1934 with the rank of ghazi and settled in Balıkesir.

                       Uncle Ece who endured his life to the children's education, was a hero in their teeny hearts...


                       He helped to establish 12 primary schools in the villages of Balikesir and one more in the city centre with his heritance and salary of ghazi. 

                       I met Uncle Ece when I was a first class student at Balikesir Elemantary School. He used to visit our school on Tuesdays, talked to students, told stories, and advised them. He used to have some piece of bread in his hand. During one of his visitings we all surrounded him. He took the piece of bread and held up:

                       'Children, look all the breads have stamps behind them. Usually every body throw them away. I collected the pieces which they turned to a loaf of bread. One day you'll look for the food which you threw away. And the population of the world will increase more. Men will die because of hunger and vultures will eat the human beings. '

                       We all laughed and did't beleive him. We tried to find the pictures of vultures but never succeded to find. The following week I told him: 

                       "We looked for the picture of the bird but never found." 

                       He put his hand on my head with love and said:

                       "We have to establish a large library in Balikesir Can"

                        My hunger of knowledge made him very sensitive. I asked him why they call him Uncle Ece. He never answered and said:

                       "You can ask me only about your school subjects"

                       and went away... I asked my teacher the meaning of Ece. She said Ece meaned wise and this nick name looked good on him. Because he devoted his life to the humanity.

                       Nobody can be darken the light of Uncle Ece who lighted my way with his knowledge, and this light became larger as the time passed. I never lift the light of Mevlana and Uncle Ece the way which is shown by them. During the following years of life when we fell down the virtues which we have learned and our humanity have lifted our souls.

                       Mevlana I Remembered You

Your endless love whom I load into my wings,
My boundless heart which burns with your reality,
Every cell which belogs to me, is filled peace,
I walked around earth, sky and sea,
Explained in every language,
The interminable love of Mevlana…

I remembered you in every place where I toured,
Talked about you in every street and city where I visited
I become clear with your light of divine love,
And illuminated people with your love,
In the ocean of peace
Became greater…

I remembered you
Told you every place where I went,
When I told I increased more,
The curtain of my eye became smaller when I told,
Peace inside me
You were the solution of my heart's trouble…

I became a flowing river madly,
A crashing, over flowing stream,
A sea full of waves,
An unreached ocean deep and calm,
With you,
I became a heating sun with your love…

Causing the love seeds to leaf out,
Making the love flowers of various sizes bloom,
Remedy to the troubles,
Cure to the patients,
Everywhere reflecting the light of love…

Your name remained in the places where I toured
In every place where I watched
Your presence expresses,
Peace of available
Fills into my soul
This vitality;
Is peacefull with you only... 

                       Poem: Can AKIN

                       At the next week Uncle Ece came to school with a book in his hand and showed us the picture of 'vulture'It was a bold, swarty and skinny bird. I asked:

                       "Will this bird eat us?"

                       And started laughing loudly. I was a little boy whom I was exposed to harshness by my familiy and there was nothing making me merry in my life. The appearance of the bold bird seemed me dangeresless. According to me danger was at home. I have been beating by my father for a long time. I laughed.

                       "Will this bird eat the human beings?" 

                        asked him. Uncle Ece:

                        "Yes, this bird will eat the human beings one day."


                       1-The sources of the sweet water will come to an end.

                       2-The food will become less in the world…


                       3-Lands which can be harvested will dry and come to an end…

                       4-One day fresh air will come to an end…


                       For this reson;

                       "From now on be economical"

                       "Take care of the values, air, water of your country"

                        "Be respectful to your parents and love them…"

                        "Don't be frightened of being honest and improving good morality"

                        "Goodness and beautiness look good on human beings"

                        "All the world expects the man who has got good morality."

                        "And be as the son of the human being"

                        "Don't bahave each other harshnessly"

                       "Even at the worst conditions don't leave your humanity"

                       At that period of time I memorized Uncle Ece sayings; however I did't understand much. I was very pleased with his interest and I wanted yo do something for him. I called all of my friends and they lined up in front of the Ata's bust.

                       As soon as Uncle Ece appeared at the school gate I screamed


                       with all my voice after I had told

                       "Ataturk Primary School is ready for your opinion and commands."

                       My friends stood essentially. Uncle Ece greeted us with an honor and has shaken hands with each of my friend one by one caressing their heads. The line has been devoloping by the time passed. Teachers who were looking out of the upstairs came and stood in order. Teacher lady Suna and her husband the Lieutenant stood in order also.

                       We all thought Uncle Ece will love the lieutenant more than us. Uncle Ece turned us and told:

                      "All of you are my soldiers and equal in my heart; because you're all human beings firstly."

                      When we lined up the National March the private ceromony came to an and. Our school director said:"Can, my son... We have already missed the first class, however you changed our day to a holy day, thank you


                       This indepence hero who assisted to forming my personality, never lost the the struggle of life and continued living in every condition. While I was preparing the book in which global heating, humanity and dynamics of the society are told. I remembered Uncle Ece once more with his dedication to the humanity in the line of Mevlana and with his love.


                       Who's Ali Saip ECE? 

                       Com­man­der of Su­veys and Ca­nak­ka­le Strugg­les, Gha­zi Ma­jor Ali Sa­ip ECE has be­en af­fec­ted ever­body who li­ved in Ba­li­ke­sir. Pe­op­le of Ba­li­ke­sir na­med the­ir stre­ets, ro­ads scho­ols and lib­ra­ri­es with his na­me. Ali Sa­ip ECE was born in Iz­mir in 1884.

                       His fat­her's na­me was Hu­se­yin and his mot­her's na­me was Ha­ti­ce. He gra­du­ated from War Aca­demy in 1910. He sho­wed gre­at suc­ces in Su­veys and Ca­nak­ka­le fronts du­ring the 1. World War. In the­se strugg­les he has be­en wo­un­ded and lost his mas­cu­li­nity. Alt­ho­ugh he has be­en tra­ted in Aus­tria and Ger­man Hos­pi­tals he hasn't ne­ver be­en he­alty any­mo­re. In 1934 when he was a ma­jor he re­ti­red with a physci­al di­sa­bi­lity and sett­led in Ba­li­ke­sir.

                       Later on Ali Saip ECE devoted himself to the National Education of in Turkey. Because he gave lectures in schools of Balikesir has been loved by the students, he was named "UNCLE ECE"

                       Which means advise of wisdom. Uncle Ece who helped to built twelve schools in the villages of Balikesir with his father's inheritance and his salary, was well known for this name. By giving lectures in schools he has been loved and respected in Balikesir. Uncle ECE thought to built a school in the centre of "Balikesir. Primary School of Uncle Ece", has been built by Uncle Ece's aid of 80 000 lira in the leadership of the governer of Balikesir Niyazi AKIN.

                        He died of illness in the date 25 January 1976. His grave was in the entrance of the Graveyard Of Bascesme in Balikesir. God rest your soul. 

                       BALIKESIR CITY

                       Balikesir is a province in midwestern Turkey, having coastlines on both the Sea of Marmara and the Aegean. Its adjacent provinces are Canakkale to the west, Izmir to the southwest, Manisa to the south, Kutahya to the southeast, and Bursa to the east. The provincial capital is Balikesir City. Most part of the province remained in Marmara Region except southern parts of Bigadic Edremit, Kepsut, Ivrindi, Savastepe and Sindirgi districts and ones of Ayvalik, Burhaniye, Dursunbey, Gomec and Havran, who are bounded to Aegean Region. Kaz Dagi -pronounced, known also as "Mount Ida", is located in this province.

                       Balikesir province is famous for its olives, thermal spas, and clean beaches, making it an important tourist destination. The province also hosts immense deposits of kaolinite, with some open-pit mines. The Kaz mountains are also threatened with the expansion of gold mining using cyanide which puts the villagers lives, the agricultural economy, and tourism at risk.

                      Balikesir is home to a number of natural attractions, including Kus Cenneti (Birdy Bed) National Park; the bays of Erdek, Bandirma, and Edremit; Ayvalik's coastal beaches; Seytan Sofrasi, Marmara Islands, Alibey (Cunda- Island) the Erdek and Gonen open-air museums; Pamukcu-Bengi, Balya Dag, Hisar, Hisarkoy -Asarkoy-, Karagac -Uyuz-, Kepekler hot springs, Dutluca Village mineral springs, and Zeytinli Ada hot springs and mineral water springs.

                      Among the cultural attractions of Balikesir are the ruins of Cyzicus and Saraylar on the Sea of Marmara, Deasklaion near Bandirma/Eregli, and Antandrus near Edremit/Altinoluk; Balikesir's Yildirim Mosque, The Old Mosque, the Zaganos Pasha mosque complex, Clocked Church Mosque and quantity of Ottoman vernacular architecture Alibey and Cinarli Mosques in Ayvalik.



                      CANAKKALE ISN'T PASSABLE

                       We used to live in the houses provided by the government near the blocks of heavy industry with my family.

                      The blocks of heavy industry were four kilometres from my school outside of Balikesir. Because my father was a government officer; we were poor. Along my primary education my school uniform and stationary were assured by the unity of school and family. When I was at the age of seven I had to go to school by myself. In the evenings I used to wind the clock and get up early in the mornings. In summers the way of school was bright, however when fall and winter came the way of school was very dark and I was frightened of this long walking very much.

                       Everywhere was silent and as if dark shadows seemed walking in front of me. It also seemed something would come and take me away. I used to walk of a run.


                       I spend a merry time at the part of school way which takes two kilometres from home. Firstly iron workers whom I named "Hairy Squashes" of the factory, later on the Slauster House of Balikesir and Mending Factory of Military. The best memories of my child hood which was full harshness took place in this road. At the beginning I met with the hairy squashes who held up their hands and made me frightened by saying


                       as a lion. I used to be very frightened at every time. I named them "Hairy Squashes" because they were dark black and made me frightened.



                       Every morning after they had lighted the big oven and made it pretty red-hot, they took away the long iron sticks away from the oven and changed them into building irons which they're 10 metres long. While they're performing this operation all of their body turned to black and their colour influenced me magicly, so when I saw them I was triying to run away.



                      At every time they asked me a maths problem. because of my appearance I reminded them an indian boy. They named me "White Eagle" One of them used to hold me and asked:

                       "Tell me White Eagle, how much does it coast five eggs, five ones coast five kurush?"

                      After he had put "opposite 'V'" on both sides of my nose and said:

                      "Go to your school now, hurry up, solve this problem urg learn and come back"

                      He used to put the paper which they've already prepared the maths question in my pocket and let me free.



                        When I was at third class one of them told me that they have prepared problems for me for years. I was effected very deeply and felt indepted to them because of their interest and triying to teach some thing to me. After I had gone to school with the black of smoke and lined marks on my face, I tried to clean my face with my teacher's paper handkerchiefs. I was angry with hairy squashes and thought when will they ask me an easy question whom I'm able to solve. My teacher used to laugh at me every time:


                       "Couldn't you solve the problem Can? come let's solve it together"

                        said. After I had passed over the Slaughter House of Balikesir I came closer to the Military Zone. When the soldiers on duty saw me they started shouting:



                      "Hey! Can what will you learn to day?"

                       They used to wait for me by holding the wires.

                       Voices got louder with the question.

                        Soldier Sehmuz from Diyarbakır city;

                       "Canooo what time did you get up tell me?"

                       Older brother Haydar from Tokat city feeled like criying:

                       "My children have already got up, they're on the school way now."

                       Soldier Temel from Of city has just interruped and gave him consolation with his own stlye:

                       "Why do you like feel crying, shout up you'll make me cry also:"

                       I feeled myself one of them, suddenly became cheerful and forgot about everything at home. I think it is easy enough to be happy in childhood. There was nobody in their lives except me whom I was the only voyager of this silent road. I was closed to them as much as their families. Even much more closed.

                      Our friendship and love which we used to try living have been along the two kilometres of woven wire; however it was much more valu-able than the the love to be given in a life or protected love. Neither they nor I expected more except sharing the time and the love.


                        In my school bag there has been a story book which it was full of the pictures of big animals. The soldiers used to take this book and tried to read. After I had started school I l learned reading and writing in a short period of time. My teacher called me and said;

                       "Can my son, you were the first student who learned reading and writing."

                       and put a red ribbon on the collar of my school uniform. In addition my teacher has presented me ten coloured story books. My favorite book was "Canakkale Isn't Passable" used to take this book everywhere with me and read in my free time. Soldiers used to want me to go near them and to read one of the story books for them. Sometimes I have been thinking the soldiers whom they 've already known reading and writing. I beleive that they've acted as if they didn't know reading and writing. Now I understand that iron workers and soldiers who carried my school bag and made jokes with me have loved me very much…

                       In winters when it snowed, I got very cold on the school way. I used to wear a small coat which it's ripper has never closed. Nylon slippers and woolen socks on my feet. I tried to walk. My teacher used to came to school early. She met me and took my school bag sat me by the the fire which has been lighted before by Kadriye the teacher. She took off my wet socks and left them to get dry over the stone… After I had taken a rest, I helped my teacher to arrange the class room and put te desks in order, Later on while we were drinking tea she helped me to solve the problem of hairy squashes.

                       My mother didn't use to get ready the breakfast for me in the mornings and never saw me off to school. I got up, dressed and went to school by myself. After the second lesson I Started feeling hungry. My father never gave me pocket money. along my school years. I had to walk to school every morning. School way which takes four kilometres, seemed me four hundred kilometres with my teeny feet. I couldn't want the money of simit from my father who never gave met the price of school bus. As soon as the bell rang I ran to the simit seller man and helped him to sell his simits in order to buy the oldest simit.

                      After the simit seller had left I went to the toılet, wetted my dry simit and ate it with the tears. At every time I remembered sayings of Uncle Ece:

                      "Children, do not throw away the smallest piece of bread, you can eat dried breads by wetting I saw many hungry men in Africa. We buy a lot of bread and throw away to the garbage. If we don't be economical one day we'll need every bit of bread which we threw away."

                       I had the hot memories of the old days in my heart as a grain of a pearl. Although I had the pain and beatings whom I've never known the reason at my young age; I was loved and beloved by the of the other people. That day I left the house for school early in the morning.

                       I walked to the factory of iron works. I had to pass over hairy squashes, I saw nobody around. How could I pass through the zone of the Slaughter House without them? Fifteen, twenty dogs have been living near the Slaughter House of Balikesir for a long time. After I had passed over iron workers hairy squashes with my words, a running soldier came, held my hand and helped met to pass through the dogs which they share the waste meat of the Slaughter House.      


                       If I was all alone in the road I would thrown the stones which I have already filled in my pocket. While I was watchind the dogs I heard the voice "Booo" and a hand held me up asked the daily question of maths. Their question was always too diffucult to solve for me and I could never find the answer. After they had used to put the paper which the question was written on it, drew indian symbols on both sides of my face with their fingers one of them with a thick voice:

                      "Go and solve the problen, learn and come back."

                       And let me free. When I arrived at the Military Zone soldiers took me to the end of the wowen wire with cheerfully When I arrived at school I saw my teacher and asked her If I would leve the class early that or not that day. I promised to read the story book to the soldiers. When my teacher said she would let us go early.

                      There has been the meeting of teachers. I became very happy because I had a luck to read my book "Canakkale Isn't Passable" to the soldiers.

                       I promised myself to learn and teach not only myself but also the other men in this world. My teacher had met o leave my bag at school. and took it from me. I told nothing her and never imaginet what I will live at home.

                       When I arrived at the Military Zone soldiers were playing a game in the field. They were all exciting and became happy when they saw me all of us sat on the ground and I opened my coloured book and started reading. The story of "Turkish Soldier Who Carried an Enemy Soldier on His Back and Saved His Life". After I had read the story book I read my poem which I wrote after I had written the book.


Soldiers Who Died In Canakkale

The ones who came from a lost past
Go to an unknown future
With love in their hearts
Soldiers who died for motherland.

Because they're born for death
Who watered the land with their blood
Their names have been forgotten
Hey, unnamed heros.

With every one of you
A piece of motherland becames free
Indepence is our
Destinity, our fate…

When you die for motherland
We'll live all alive forever
Destinity is written once more
In the hands of motherland's sons such as you…

                        Poem: Can AKIN
                       While the soldiers were listening to the lines, their faces looked unhappy. As soon as I finished my poem they all claped me loudly. I was very excited and honored myself. Suddenly I felt happy, I was'nt all alone in the world. I used to establish relationship with my poem and good intention.

                       When I grew up I would have thousands of real comrades. They would tell me and my story to their children and grand children. Because they all have cried and laughed with me together, they have accepted me their child. during my voyages both home and abroad I have met my real comrades and their children or they have found me.

                      After the soldiers had finished their military duty they told their memories to their families friends and social enviroment. I was a part of these memories also. When they remember my poem "Canakkale Isn't Passable" they will think of our real friendship and me.


                       Acording to the war morals and rules Canakkale Struggles are accepted the most gentleman struggles of the century. At the date of 25 April the allied soldiers who landed to Canakkale side were waiting for the barbarian turcos in front of them. In this front where bloody struggles have lived since the day 25 April. 

                       Victory hasn't been come to life in a short time. So the allied soldiers started fighting which they've continued for nearly nine months. Day by day turcos and allied soldiers knew well each other. The soldiers of both sides understood that they're nor different from each other. At the beginning the allied soldiers were frightened to be taken prisoner to turcos.

                        By the time passing when they saw the interest of turco soldiers to the wounded soldiers of allied forces and well behaving to the prisoners they changed their ideas completely. At the date of 10 November 1915 journalist C. E. W. Bean told interesting situation in the fronts in his note-book titled "For The Last Days We Have Been Well Contacted With Turcos".

                       Three weeks ago there was their hally day lasted three days. They sent two packet of cigarettes to our front, on the packets "Take and smoke our happy enemies." was written. We sent the letters and photos of turco prisoners of war who were in Egypt in return. We also sent canied beef. They sent tha packet of beef "We don't want beef, a man who lives with help is damned. We're not hungry in addition we have lots nof reserve food. We are ready with our rifles in our hands. Englishmen have a lot of weapons and ammunitions, however we have bayonets and beleif. If you're a great nation why don't you act in the direction of great principles cause the others to give up their loyality and behave viciously? A very honorable answer. I supposed ensuring the capitulation of turcos by the intensive efforts.

                       Both turcos and germans used the same methods above us. In the front of Canakkale the allied soldiers were frightened of poisoned gas which turcos may use. They've already used in the western front and France. Englishmen handed out gas masks to their soldiers and trained them privately for a probable danger.

                       However turco officers and commanders never approved the suggestion of germans. They didn't find this method "Honorable and justly" and contrary to the war rules. Poised gas hasn't been used up to the last day of the war. Allied soldiers trusted turcos and didn't wear gas masks by thinking "Turcos are honest strugglers" In spite of the uglines of the war Struggles of Canakkale were accepted the most gentleman struggules of the century by this image.

                        It is true that Canakkale Struggles have alot of political, social and military sides which will have to be searched. For example some documentaries were meet by chance in the archives of the Australia and New Zeland and daily letters of anzac soldiers who fight in the front of Canakkale, women fighters of turco sturuggled with the turco soldiers shoulder bu shoulder in the front.

                       In the journal of Australia The AGE at the date of 8 September 1915 title was "The woman was a dead shot, she was shot at the combat of first day" A soldier named J. C. Davies told his mother in his letter "When I was shot at the date 18 May there was a dead shot girl of turco. She was pretty and large. She was looking nearly 19-21. She fired along the day without stopping and killed a lot of men of us however before the day ends she was killed by an australian soldier. When we found her dead body there was a corpse of a turco man beside her. There were 52 bullets in the girl's body. This war is very dreadful."







                       When I came closer home I started feeling badly. My father was standing at the door As soon as I arrived at home. He asked me why I was late with a meaningless smile on his lips. I was very frightened, I feel that it is going to happen a terrible event with my childhish heart. My teeny heart stardet beating with a fear.

                       I did'nt what to do and I was shock because of fear although my father's smile on his face. His eyes were as dark as the deep wells. As if red flames were borning in his eyes. For a few Minutes I have watched the flames in his eyes abstractedly. They were bad as much as hell, anger as much as devil. It is going to happen bad things. I felt with my childish heart.

                       However I did't show my fear and also smiled at him. I wish my parents met me with a real smile on their faces and surrounded by saying "My son." I wish I wouldn't be frightened of them. So my little body woldn't die by beatings day by day nor my heart without love. My father shouted angrily:

                       "Why did you come home early? Where is your school bag?"

                      Smiling with a fear:

                       "There has been a meeting of teachers dad, our teacher let us free. Besides she ordered me to leave my bag at school and I did so."

                       The flame of my father's eyes got out of and started burning me. He held his belt, opened it's buckle. In a hurry. I watched him despairly. There hasn't been anywhere to go and I was a little boy only. I was incurable and very frightened. Belt was cracked with a whistle in the space. Later on I heard my father's voice with anger:

                      "Why do you escape from school? What happened to your bag?"

                       I surrounded my book "Canakkale Isn't Passable" as if it would defend me. I wanted to loose in the pages of my book, I wish I wouldn't live. I wanted to die. He held his arm up and started dealing blow to my body many times.


                       My body felt on the floor by the hard blows. With every blow I felt on the floor once more. All of my body started bleeding because of the wounds which were formed by my father's belt. I was suffering deeply while belt was surrounding my thin body besides my nose has been bleeding for the last ten minutes. When the belt cracked on my face one of my eye was closed and I wasnt able to see clearly. Storms were flowining in my teeny heart while my father was beating me cruely. Ibeged God.

                       "Save me my God, take my soul please."

                       My heart was branded by the blows of belt. As if fire of the iron works factory were filled into my heart. At every blow he killed a piece of love in my litle heart. At every blow I died once more. My childish heart came to an end, all my hopes were broken. All the windows of our house were felt into my heart. Everywhere became dark with my last breath. I started begging:

                       "My teacher set me free, she took my bag dad"

                       He never heard me however, I was trying his mercy feelings to active. Suddenly he stopped beatind and:

                       "Come on, let's go to your school hurry up."

                       Suddenly he held my arm and took me to the street. Some parts of my coat were torn. I had so many pain and my thin body was burning also. Blow marks were seen because of the torns. My father stopped a tractor which was passing over the street and we got on.

                       "Drive to school"

                       He ordered to the driver of the tractor. I was cold and my wounds were aching intensively. I've bended my head and wrinkled my teeth because of pain. When I lifted my head I saw my father looking for something on his collar. He held one of my arm. As soon as he inserted the pin into my arm flashers were lighted in my eyes. I looked at his face with begging eyes. He's inserted the pin into my arm many times with a devilish expression and mercilessly without stopping. My arm has been covered with holes and it has started bleeding. Sometimes I tried to escape however he has been coming closer and was inserting once more. With anger:

                       "Why did you escape from school? Why?"

                                     He has been going on shouting loudly. While he was inserting I was cryind and shouting loudly. Drop by a muddy image came in front of my eyes. I saw a group of men running after the tractor indistincly. They were soldiers and iron workers. When I saw them I started shouting much more loudly. They have already heard my voice:

                       "Don't beat me dad."

                        They couldn't catch us and save me. We went away speedly. When we arrived at school I almost was feeling died myself. My father threw me away as an empty sack. My thin legs weren't able to carry my body. I felt on the ground. There were students and teachers who were on duty in the school garden. Every body was watching us. Some of them were laughing and some were looking at me with pitying eyes. A few of them:

                       "Do not act so in front of the students sir!"

                       said. I was suffering from their insensitiveness more than the wounds I started crying loudly again. My father has jut learned the reality and felt remorse for the beatings. He looked at me and said:

                       "Let's go home my son."

                       I didn't want to go with him however I who had noone. I had to go home which hasn't been a nest according to me. While I was crying I turned to my teacher:

                       "Why did you take the bag my teacher? Why?..."


                       She excused me and she was sorry as much as me. I started walking home. All the buildings were turninig around my head. My only aim was to arrive at home, sleep and forget about my pain. I surrounded my favorite book and was very cold. As if I was carrying an enemy soldier in the bottle of Canakkale. I was only a little boy and incurable. I remembered a few soldiers and hairy squashes were coming towarda us by shouting:

                       "Can, Can."

                       "Can what happened to you?"

                        Suddenly all of the images were lost. I was taken to a deep well. I opened my eyes in a place which I've never seen before. It was a Military Hospital. My wounds have been dressed and my arm has been bandaged. I was suffering very nuch. A glass of serum has been tied to my arm. While I was trying to undersatand what happened a nurse with the black cape came into my room She was wearing an uniform, lifted my bed and gave me a spoon:

                       "Eat your soup, I'm going to visit the other patients. When I came back your soup had to be finished little boy!"

                       I asked the nurse if she saw my book:

                       "Did you see my book named" Canakkale Isn't Passable Or did you take it?"

                       She walked to the book case and passed me a bunch of papers from the shelf. My book has been untidy as my little body. Besides it has been covered with my blood. I cleaned it come back to school as soon as possible. Nobody has visited me. Where have my parents been? While I was wandering my parents an old man who was in uniform and bold, came into my room. He put a chair near my bed and asked:

                       "I'm colonel Namık, are you better now my son?"

                       "I'm suffering very much uncle uoctor"

                        I said. I turned my head, I did't want to show him my tears. He told that the commander of the soldiers has alredy brought me to the hospital. I 've been unconscious. The doctor asked:

                       "There has been an adult near you. Who beated you my son, tell me?"

                       I told him that my father has been with me, and he beated. The doctor wondered why he beated me extremely.

                       "I did nothing uncle doctor, I arrived home early and my school bag wasn't with me, that's all."

                       I told him that my father supposed me breaking school and beated for this reason.

                       "He didn't beleive me and started beating without stopping with his belt. After we had arrived school he learned the truth. The soldiers very angry with my father and they were running after the tractor."

                       I added to my words.

                        "How did these wounds happen?"

                        Colonel Namık asked me. 

                        I told him that my father sticked pin into my arm. Uncle doctor did't beleive.
                       "How could a father act so, it is impossible."

                       While I was talking the doctor my tears started falling out ouf my eyes again. liened on my bed. I was very sleepy. The commander of Mending Factory came into my room and said:

                       "Would you mind reading me the book which made my soldiers cry?"

                       Suddenly I felt better I took my wrinkled book under my pillow After I had finished reading. The book named "Canakkale Isn't Passable" I also read my poem whom I wrote for the soldiers who died in Canakkale. While I was reading my poem noticed the nurse was crying behind my bed.

                       A voice in my heart told me we would meet with the colonel Namık in the following years, In a differnt place and with a different personality. I've stayed in the Military Hospital for ten days. I looked out of the window and hoped to see my parents and my sister. Nobody came and visited me. I died once more with my childish heart.. Soldier brothers and commanders never left me alone and visited every day one by one. After ten days I wanted to leave the hospital. I started dressing, my school uniform has been covered with the blood. And it has been wrinkled besides. I had no money in my pocket. Later on Uncle Namık came and took me to his home. He met me with his own family. His wife has already cooked delicious food for me.

                       I've understand how should a real family be. After lunch I was taken to my home by his car. When I arrived at home I opened the door. My mother watched me with a cool expression. I went to my room and took my bag. Mom said at last:

                       "I you want, you can't go to school today Can."

                        I told her about the spceeh of Uncle Ece at school and left home for school. When I was in the bus I saw my father with a stick in his hand and bandaged. He has lived a dissagreableness with the soldiers and iron-workers I thought. I was upset by his appearance. I couldn't stop my tears. When I arrived at school my teacher and my class mates have already been to the class.

                       My teacher the students behaved well towards me. They have been all worried about me when I was in the hospital. When the pain killeres lost their effect I started suffering. My teacher took me to the teacher's room, brought two armchairs together and put me to the bed. 

                       She telephoned to the doctor of the Government Hospital. The doctor arrived in a short period of time and dressed my wounds, gave me new pain killers form my pain. As soon as I opened my eyes I saw Uncle Ece who was looking me anxiously. He asked me if I want to be a soldier:

                       "Can my son, if you beleive you can do what you want in the future."

                       Uncle Ece used to be with us in the national days and ceromonies. Our schooldirector used to let met o o carry the "Turkish Flag" in all ceromonies. I always carried our flag with a great honor and took it to school by myself. After I had graduated the primary school Uncle Ece came and brought me a huge package in his hand. It was an old flag on which there was a picture of Ataturk and a gun carriage of military. He gave it as a present of graduation. The moral value of this gift couldn't put a prize on. And added to his words with love:

                       "I love you very much Can, take care of this present well."

                       I kissed his hand, we surrounded each other as a father and a sun. 

                       "I'll never forget anything which you taught me, thank for the light in my heart."

                        I've never seen Uncle Ece anymore. It was the last time I have seen him and I've been hiding Uncle Ece in the brightest place in my heart and brain…



                        PART  IV

                        RESPECT OF STANDING

                         Months and years have followed one after. Time has passed as fast as the water. I've been to Germany on duty. I have watched a television programme on Global heating. When the speaker was telling the disasters which came to the unreturned point will be lived by the Global heating in the world, an image has come on the screen and while I was watching this image I was petrified. Everything has been stopped for a moment.


                       And I've come back to the old years. When I've been at the first class in my school. It used to be a voyage of time. Residence around me has been cleaned. Time has stopped and images have changed as a television screen. I was standing in school garden, Uncle Ece was in front of me and his voice sterted echoing in my ears suddnly. While he was showing the book in my hand:

                       "This bird will eat the human beings one day. Hunger and waterlessness will be lived every-where. Men will kill each other for a piece of bread and a drop of water. Be economical. Don't dirty the earth. Don't throw anything; otherwise you'll be the bait of these birds."

                       said and showed a Picture of vulture. Vulture bacame bigger in my eyes…

                       Became bigger…

                      A hairy bold bird…

                       And bone-dry…

                       It as been the vulture which uncle Ece told and brought it's photo. There has been a vulture on the television screen also. A black little boy who has bone-dried because of hunger, was escaping from the vulture by dragging his body for the last time. The vulture was behind the child and waiting for his death in order to eat him. The photograph was taken in Sudan during scarcity of food in 1994. This image has been won him the Pulitzer Award to the photographer Kevin Carter.

                       I was schocked. Uncle Ece has told us the truth. He has been right about all his sayings. While I was watching the image on television with unbeleivable eyes my phone started ringing. As soon as my school mates saw the photograph on television they called me up by remembering that day and my saying:

                       "Will this bird eat us?" 

                        By laughing loudly. My telephone never stopped up to the morning. My school friends and me have found each other once more. Some of us are public prosecutur, some are judge. We're at the positions where the desicions are made about the heading of the country, administeration of justic. And along our lives we have never forgetten the knowledge who uncle Ece taught us. We've already understood that uncle Ece taught us to be right and being an upright human. 

                        When we met each other with my school mates we also understood that we are all in the right line for the humanity. Many weeks passed and we learned that as soon as Kevin Carter took the photograpf left. He didn't save the child. And has taken the photo which has been won him the award, and went away. 

                       When he came back to look for the child he hasn't been anymore. And after photographer Kevin Carter had taken the photograph which was won him an award, he had depression and commited suicide.

                       Who knows what else will be come a reality which uncle Ece told us? I remembered the days which I spent with uncle Ece and I remembered him with love. I thanked him once more with my heart. I thought how much I've been lucky because I knew him. We've met with my school friends, thanks to uncle Ece. We understood that coming closer to the men, and connected with transparant strings, lerning the somethings, living in the same place. Friendship which connected with love and devolopments can be continued as good as old days although you're in different places, passing years.

                       It was very affective to meet my friends, remembering the old days. The most importing thing was listening to Uncle Ece from the people who knew him and lived once more with him. After we had found each other with my friends we came together without planning the meeting and had nice surprises Was the most interesting event.


                        Many years ago I received an invitation letter from Japanese Businessmen related ta business which I didn't know the subject, because I'm one of the best and trustable In my job. The letter has been interesting and mysterious expression:

                       Mr Can AKIN;

                       For an invenstment in Turkey we've already consisitued of conferring group including sixteen men who come from different regions of Turkey, different jobs whom they are effciency experts and know japanese culture. We invite you to the group of conferring the investment in Turkey. We'll be honored if you participate in the meeting.

                                                                             "Group of Japanese Business Men"

                       As soon as I read the letter intensively a few minutes, I decided to participate in the meeting. Right now I can see it will be an interesting voyage of business and I'll have surprises Because I was very busy with my own job I had no time for such a voyage. However I would like to go I was uncomfortable After my plane ticket had sent me, my place has been reserved in the hotel where the meeting will be made I decided to think once more to participate in the meeting... 

                       I was respectable to the japanese people who they are connected to their national values, and hard working They look like turcos, they wanted us to exchange the views. I got ready for the voyage with an impulse which I didn't know the reason.

                       I set off to the country where japanese men have a meeting. At the airport I was taken by a car by the competants of the firm.

                      They said that the meeting will be at ten the following day. And requested me to be ready at nine. I got up early in the morning and walked around the silent streets of the city. I used to this walking whenever I came to a foreign country or city. I was uccostumed to walk in the crowded squares for a while at early mornings and it always give me the feeling of liberty.

                      Walking in the city without citizens at a special time was a wanderful feeling to me. I looked at my watch it was almost nine. I ran into hotel, had breakfast in a short time. After I had finished my breakfast the door was knocked at.

                       Japanese people were very exat; one of their characteristics which isn't similar to turcos to be exat, to do every thing on time. When I came to the place where the firm meeting will be made, I got of the car and went towards to the skyscaper. When I came into the large room fifteen people were sitting and chatting with each other.

                      Japanese managers have been bewildered and amazed. They were asking questions the people who were sitting at the table. As if they were trying to correct a mistake with unbeleivable eyes.

                       I looked at he men at the table carefully. I've already known them, they didn't seem stranger to me. I started feeling hot an sincere emotions in my heart. Later on squares of photo paired with each other, two photographes came together side by side.

                      Ataturk Primary School and Uncle Ece. Later on a memory which reminded me my friend's childhood whom I knew them. I went towards to the table with a great excitement:

                       "Cengiz, I couldn't beleive in my eyes."

                       I shouted him amazingly. His head has been lifted and looked at me confusedly:

                       "Can, what are you doing here?"

                       Asked me.

                       "For what reason you are here so am I, what a chance we meet here don't we?"

                       "I suppose a great event, look japanese men are bevildeed, they've been asking questions since we came here. According to the programme which they made we didn't have to know each other. This was the most suiable in order to reach the the correct results related to their investment. Now you came also we twelve of sixteen person have already known each other."

                        said and bursted into laughters. I couldn't stop myself, we started laughing with my twelve friends loudly. Provocative wave of laughter jumped into the others and Japanese Businessmen. We laughed minutes by minutes.

                       Japanese men wanted to know why they laughed and how we knew each other. After group laughters had stopped our coffee has been served on the table. Our friend Cengiz who has seniority wanted to explain the situation by looking at the japanese businessmen.

                       "You've already worked truly. In normal conditions we haven't seen each other for a long years and according to you it means we don't know each other. Because we were born in differnt places, jobs are different, we live far from each other besides. Twelve person have a shared character here; we're all the students of Uncle Ece."

                       Nobody made a sound. Every was waiting for the sentences which will be said by Cengiz.

                      He continued speaking:

                       "Uncle Ece who has fight in Suveys and Canakkale fronts during the 1. World War, served superiorly for his mother land and saved many both turco and foreign soldiers uesd to be a hero. After he had wounded in the war and became ghazi he settled in Balikesir. We all knew Uncle Ece in city of Balikesir. Because he used to visit Primary Schools and give lectures on being an upright human. Balikesir was the city of civil servant. Children in the Air, Ground Forces Jenderme Commanderships, children of teachers where work in different universites and high schools are my school mates. After their parents had completed their duty they went to a different city. We all the studens of Uncle Ece. For this reason although we were chosen from different jobs, places by you, we all used to attend to the same Primary School. There has been a vulture story of Uncle Ece and Can has laughed loudly by saying:"

                       "Will this bird eat us?"

                       We've laughed to his laughter Uncle Ece told the story of vulture of Can in all schools.

                       As soon as the japanese manager learned the twelve person knew each other by chance, they understood that they never made a mistake in their organization.

                       Everything was happened by chance only. Japanese men have been affected deeply bu the speech of our friend Cengiz and the heroizm which Uncle Ece showed in the 1. World War and War of Indepence.

                       When we had a break for lunch I didn't see them in the large room of meeting for a long time. I supposed they left the old friends alone and gave an opportuanity to chat each other. We had o long chatting with my school friends whom I haven't seen them for a long time. I have missed my comrades who they came from the memories of my childhood. I understood what each day was so good whereas I never understood the value of the days which I lived during those days. I supposed the friendship memories are look like the aged wines; when the time passed their value will be understood and when you live them once more you notice the pleasure of them.

                      When lunch time finished japanese men came with a roll o paper in their hands. We all set the able excidetly. They opened the papers slowly and started showing us the pictures of japanese who the soldiers in uniforms. One of the japanese manager:

                        "These are our grandfathers and all of them died in the II. World War. We never knew them. We only know them from the stories which have been told by our parents. We also love them very much. As Uncle Ece our grandfathers were heros also. They all fought to save their country and died in the front for us."

                       And copleted his speech difficulty, In the eyes of each one the memories of atomic bomb Which sent to Nagazaki and Hirosima were revived.

                       We were all affected. Sadness have been surrunded everywhere. The tears of being of human, fighting for the country, independence flew with the tears of loosing lover persons and war pain of humanity from our eyes at the same time. I stood up quickly and suggested to stand for respect for the soldiers who died in Nagazaki and Hirosima.


                       After the standing of respect for a moment we had our seats silently. Japanese manager stood up he wanted to stand of respect for Uncle Ece and the soldiers who died in Canakkale. They stood up in a hurry and we've stood of respect also for Uncle Ece and the turkish soldiers for a minute. One of japanese businessmen has been affected this event deeply and asked me:

                       "Would you like to write this story shortly?"

                        He has lost with the paper. When he came back the story was translated into japanese language. I have been bevildered very much. I admire japanese people who they became lofty values of humanity, share with their neighborhood, increase love, resspect and honor.

                      We all looked each other. We've never lived such a meaningful day before. It was very wanderfull and we had a chance to tell Uncle Ece to the others and next geeneration once more. Because we wanted the youth to have a real hero. Instead of the imaginary heros of television and internet games, real heros and the ones who has served their country and their citizens with the love of humanity up to the last dropof their blood should never be forgetteen forever. In general every child has an imaginary hero in the Primary School. 

                       In our time because there hasn't been a television, Texas, Tom Miks, Red Mask, Zagor haave been read. As you see our heros were imaginary. Me and my friends were lucky much because our hero hasn't been imaginary, a living hero Uncle Ece was our hero. We're lucky.

                        After a long voyage I came back home with good memories. I thought along the voyage who has affected me deeply in my life, whose sayings which have been formed my character without leaving me anymore, whose love and interest connected me to the life and showed my direction.

                       I know all of the chances aren't chances in reality. In my life eveybody and everything ran into me when the time is suitable and what the necessary I need to do and have. When I met the people who helped me in my childhood, I met them again later on. I don't know how and a secret power let me met the people who worried about me once more and has wanted them this message:

                       Love and interest whom you showed to a little child was very important for his life and his projects in the future. Any of your work wasn't useless. Look this child is in a place where important desicions are made and works have been completed for everybod.

                       And be sure that his love and position will be useful for everybody, you became the trainer of the next generation if you know or not. You have to be the model of a little child or a growing young.

                       If you don't know you have to be his "hero". Usually children are good observers, They copy and imitate your behaviors. And children understand and feel easily if they are loved or not really and the aim of a person clearly. For this reason one day you'll pass over a child or a student, may be you'll be the teacher a group of studeents or you'll be a mother or a father or their Uncle Ece.

                       Your smile, every support of his training to be a human being, every behavior of guide, every consolation, every word whom you taught him. Opportunity of going farward in the school of life will be your support forming the soul of a upright human such as building a house with only a word or a smile...

                      And our children will be our works. Ever child whom we can see around will be our child. Every little creature whom we support is a present to the future.
I wish heros who devoted themselves to the humanity and forming the future as Uncle Ece, would have been forever both in the country and in the world…

                        I devote this book to Uncle Ece and unnamed heros. I'm sure you're curius about Uncle Ece's present, the flag which has a Picture of Ataturk and a gun carriage on it… It's place is a secret… However here this ıt has been waving in a good place where I have been on duty in the name of humanity...

 Written By: Can AKIN


                       WHO'S MEVLANA?

                       'Come, come again, whoever you are, come! Heathen, fire worshipper or idolatrous, come! Come even if you broke your penitence a hundred times, ours is the portal of hope, come as you are." Mevlana who is also known as Rumi, was a philosopher and mystic of Islam, but not a Muslim of the orthodox type. His doctrine advocates unlimited tolerance, positive reasoning, goodness, charity and awareness through love. To him and to his disciples all religions are more or less truth. Looking with the same eye on Muslim, Jew and Christian alike, his peaceful and tolerant teaching has appealed to men of all sects and creeds.

                       Mevlana was born on 30 September 1207 in Balkh in present day Afghanistan. He died on 17 December 1273 in Konya in present day Turkey. He was laid to rest beside his father and over his remains a splendid shrine was erected. The 13th century Mevlana Mausoleum with its mosque, dance hall, dervish living quarters, school and tombs of some leaders of the Mevlevi Order continues to this day to draw pilgrims from all parts of the Muslim and non-Muslim world.

                       Today man who has powerful desires and self seeker feelings can't take a lesson from the thoughts of Mevlana. Mevlana says the origin of existence will be appeared by the universal love. Sufism is to become a united whole with God. Death is separation of soul from body and meeting with divine body. Your ways will become luminous by the words of Mevlana. Mevlana has regarded love of humanity, he also adviced to be tolerant, merciful, kind and patient.

                       In addition Mevlana adviced not to be the slaves of harsness and anger. In his couplet 'If you don't love, you'll be dead. When you love, you'll remain alive. According to the brief of Mevlana a man burns twice; at first by mother, at the second by his own body. The true birth is the second one. 'The body of a man as the beehive, The honeycomb and the honey of this hive is love. When youn take love away from this hive it will be an empty hive only.

                       To­day in the ce­re­mo­ni­es of Mev­le­vi pe­op­le who turn in gro­ups na­med 'Se­ma'; exp­la­ins the lo­ve of God. Tur­ning starts slowly con­ti­nu­es with a gre­at ex­ci­te­ment. Mev­le­vi der­vish who per­forms the se­ma we­ars a pri­va­te dress na­med 'Ten­nu­re. In ce­re­mo­ni­es the­re is a pre­si­dent of Mev­le­vi Gro­up na­med 'Post-Ni­sin'. Mev­la­na der­vis­hes turns the­ir right hands to the top and the­ir left hands to the gro­und. It me­ans that palms are open to the God for the gifts which they co­me from God spre­ad to the so­ci­ety. The mu­sic gro­up is na­med 'Muh­rip' mu­si­ci­ans who play nay na­med 'Ney­zen'sin­gers are na­med' Ayin­han'and 'Na­at­han'. In the op­po­si­te of mu­sic gro­up the­re's the skin of an ani­mal with it's ha­ir. At the end of the skin the­re's a holly li­ne it's na­med 'The shor­test way'.

                       The "dance" of the Whirling Dervishes is called "Sema". Sema is a part of the inspiration of Mevlana as well as part of the Turkish custom, history, beliefs and culture. Sema represents a mystical journey of man's spiritual ascent through mind and love to "Perfect." Turning towards the truth, his growth through love, desert his ego, find the truth and arrive to the "Perfect" then he return from this spiritual journey as a man who reached maturity and a greater perfection, so as to love and to be of service to the whole of creation, to all creatures without discrimination of believes, races, es and nations. In reality people all over the world need love. In the couplets Mevlana says that humanity is able to walk in the way of happiness by seeing all of beautiness which God bestows.

                       Son of Mevlana Sultan Veled, his son and Selahaddin Zerkubi who was trained by Mevlana have establish the Mevlevi Tariqat. After Mevlana had said the couplets Celebi the Husamettn wrote them. Mevlana has been presenting the joy of living by his words for 700 years.

                       He has been telling to the humanity crucible of morals, virtue, honesty, goodness and helping for years. Life will be more valuable and death has beauty also it means meeting God. According to Mevlana death is a wedding night. He never divide men into groups and he calls out's comrade! we were comrades with love, we come into existence with you. 'Mevlana says if somebody commits a sin he shouldn't loose his hope. The door of wowing will be opened up to the last breath. He also says' All over the world at every place there's only God, everything is a lie in this life. 

                       'This article is recipient from the speech of Nevin Korucuoglu who is the grandchild of Mevlana at the X. Mevlana Congress in Konya'.


                      WHO'S NILUFER DURSUN?

She was born in Ca­nak­ka­le in 1947. Af­ter she had com­le­ted her ele­men­tary and high scho­ol edu­ca­ti­on in her ho­me-town she gra­du­ated from Gha­zi Te­ac­her Trai­ning Ins­ti­tu­te. She has wor­ked as an eng­lish te­ac­her in the high scho­ols and thec­ni­cal lyce­es of Gu­mus­ha­ne, Ca­nak­ka­le and An­ka­ra for ne­arly twenty –two ye­ars. Af­ter she had re­ti­red she fo­cu­sed on wri­ting and pa­in­ting. She's be­en wri­ting po­ems, sto­ri­es, es­says, ra­dio plays not only for adults but al­so for chil­dren sin­ce she has be­en re­ti­red.
Nilufer Dursun has been interested in mostly poetry translation for the last ten years. Her works have been publishing in a lot of reviews and some local newspapers for a long time. She has also been sharing her works in the literary sites of internet both in Turkey and abroad. Her first book of poetry named "My Twin Of Soul" was published in 2000, "Winding Clocks To Love" 2009, Her first poetry translation… "A Heart" (poems of Osman Baymak) was published in Kosova in 2006, "Rainy City" (poems of Ihsan Isik) Ankara 2008, "Admission" (poems of Nurten Remzi, ready to publish), "Kissings Cry" (poems of Isa Karatepe, ready to publish) "I love you" (poems of Can Akın ready to publish), Nilufer Dursun is also interested in Turkish Music. She has been playing ud since 1985 and she has composed Turkish songs some of them are for children. She has been attending the work shop of an acedemician artist for the last years.

Nilufer Dursun has already participated in group exhibitions and she's held four private exhibitions; one of them in Bulgaria October 2009 She was sent to Frankfurt Book Fair By the Ministry of Culture as the representative of a copyrights agency in 2008. She's the member of ILESAM (Profession Union of Literary and Scientific Work Owners), The Society of Migrants, GESAM (Profession Union of Fine Arts Work Owners), The Friendship Society Of Turco-Czeech and The Society of Turkey's Girl Scouts…


Rosa Mercedes Vasquez Rojas - PERU

Por nuestros niños, nuestros jóvenes y también por nosotros, los adultos, debemos trabajar unidos para lograr una sociedad más útil para todos . Logrando esto nuestros sueños de libertad se haran realidad. - INTERESANTE LABOR, OPINO IGUAL QUE MR AKIN, HOMBRES QUE DEDICAN SU VIDA A CONSTRUIR NUEVOS HORIZONTES DE LIBERTAD DE MANERA CONCIENTE..

Çocuklarımız için, bizim gençler ve yetişkinler de bizim için, birlikte toplumu herkes için yararlı hale getirmek için çalışmalıyız. Bu gerçek olacaktır özgürlük hayallerimizin sağlayacaktır.



9 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Lübnan - Beyrut Karma Sergisi

Flag Lebanon animated gif 240x180
Gesam Uluslararası / Lübnan Türk Sanatçıları Sergisi
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
Türkiye – Lübnan Parlamentolar Arası Dostluk Grubu Başkanlığı
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı Telif Hakları Genel Müdürlüğü
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Beyrut Büyükelçiliği
Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği (GESAM)
Yer: Beyrut Ticaret Odası
Sergi Tarihi: 10 – 14 Ekim 2019
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8 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Ukrayna - Kiev Karma Sergisi

Flag Ukraine animated gif 240x180
Gesam Uluslararası / Ukrayna - Kiev Türk Sanatçıları Sergisi
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
Türkiye – Ukrayna Parlamentolar Arası Dostluk Grubu Başkanlığı
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı Telif Hakları Genel Müdürlüğü
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kiev Büyükelçiliği
Ukrayna Cumhuriyeti Ankara Büyükelçiliği
Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği (GESAM)
Yer: Kiev Yunus Emre Türk Kültür Merkezi
Sergi Tarihi: 16 - 19 Temmuz 2018
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7 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Polonya - Varşova Karma Sergisi

Flag Poland animated gif 240x180
Gesam Uluslararası / Polonya Türk Sanatçıları Sergisi
Międzynarodowa Wystawa Gesam w Polsce / Artyści Tureccy
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
Türkiye – Polonya Parlamentolar Arası Dostluk Grubu Başkanlığı
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı Telif Hakları Genel Müdürlüğü
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Varşova Büyükelçiliği
Polonya Cumhuriyeti Ankara Büyükelçiliği
Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği (GESAM)
Varşova Yunus Emre Enstitüsü Türk Kültür Merkezi
Yer: Varşova Yunus Emre Enstitüsü Türk Kültür Merkezi Sergi Salonu – Varşova - Polonya
Sergi Tarihi: 11 – 14 Eylül 2017
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6 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın İran - Tebriz Karma Sergisi

Flag Iran animated gif 240x180

Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
TBMM Türkiye İran Parlamentolar Arası Dostluk Grubu Başkanlığı,
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı
Gesam Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
İran İslam Cumhuriyeti
İran İslam Cumhuriyeti Büyükelçiliği Kültür Müsteşarlığı
İran İslam Cumhuriyeti Tebriz Üniversitesi
Tebriz Üniversitesi İslami Sanatlar Fakültesi
Sergi Tarihi: 24 – 27 Mayıs 2017
Yer: İran Tebriz Üniversitesi İslami Sanatlar Fakültesi Sergi Salonu
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5 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Kıbrıs - Magosa Karma Sergisi

"Çocuk Gelinlere Hayır" konulu karma resim sergisi
Gazimağusa Belediyesi'nin katkıları,
Ressam Saime Ercan'ın proje temsilciliğinde
Yer: Buğday Camii – Magusa - Kıbrıs
Sergi Tarihi: 8- 11 Mart 2017
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4 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Arnavutluk - Tiran Karma Sergisi 

Flag Albania animated gif 240x180 
Gesam Uluslararası / Arnavutluk Türk Sanatçıları Sergisi
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
Türkiye – Arnavutluk Parlamentolar Arası Dostluk Grubu Başkanlığı
Arnavutluk - Türkiye Parlamentolar Arası Dostluk Grubu Başkanlığı
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı Telif Hakları Genel Müdürlüğü
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Arnavutluk Büyükelçiliği
Arnavutluk Ankara Büyükelçiliği
Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği (GESAM)
Tiran Yunus Emre Enstitüsü Türk Kültür Merkezi
Yer: Tiran Gençlik Merkezi -  Arnavutluk
Sergi Tarihi: 18 -21 Ekim 2016
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3- Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Macaristan - Pecs Kişisel Dijital Fotoğraf Sergisi ve Konferansı

Flag Macedonia animated gif 240x180

Flag Hungary animated gif 240x180 

Mr Can Akın  - Delegate, Turkish Fine Art Over's Professional Union Humanity & Mevlana Celalettin Rumi
Pecs Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü,
Türk – Macar Dostluk Derneği – Türk Mekadon Dostluk Derneği
Türk Macar Dostluk İlişkileri Ve Türkiye'de Güzel Sanatlar
Yer: Pecs Üniversitesi Konferans Salonu - Macaristan
Konferans Konusu: Mevlana  ve İnsanlık
Sunum Tarihi: 11 Mayıs 2016
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2 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Nahçıvan Karma Sergisi


Gesam Uluslararası Nahçıvan - Türk Sanatçıları Sergisi
Nahçıvan Özerk Cumhuriyeti Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikası
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı Telif Hakları Genel Müdürlüğü
Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği (GESAM)
Nahçıvan Başkonsolosluğu
Yer: Nahçıvan Ressamlar Birliği Sergi Salonu
Sergi Tarihi: 22.06.2015 - 24.06.2015
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1- Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Polonya - Varşova Kişisel Sergisi


" Can AKIN Mevlana Fotoğraf Sergisi"
Ankara - Varşova DOSTLUK Derneği
Varşova Devlet Üniversitesi Dijital Fotoğraf Sergisi
Yer: Varşova Devlet Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi  - Polonya
Sergi Tarihi: 26 Mayıs 2015 Salı 14.00
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64 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Konya Sergisi
Büyükşehir - Gündem Güzel Sanatlar ve Telif Hakları
Konya Etkinliği
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Konya Valiliği, İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Konya Karma Sergisi
Yer: Konya il Halk Kütüphanesi
Sergi Tarihi: 4 - 8 Şubat 2020
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63 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Kocaeli Karma Sergisi
Büyükşehir - Gündem Güzel Sanatlar ve Telif Hakları
Kocaeli Etkinliği
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Kocaeli Valiliği, İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Kocaeli Karma Sergisi
Yer: Kocaeli Sabancı Kültür Merkezi
Sergi Tarihi: 7 - 12 Ocak  2020
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62 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Eskişehir Karma Sergisi
Büyükşehir - Gündem Güzel Sanatlar ve Telif Hakları
-Eskişehir Etkinliği
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Eskişehir Valiliği, İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Eskişehir Karma Sergisi
Yer: Odunpazarı Belediyesi Yunus Emre Kültür Merkezi Konferans Salonu
Sergi Tarihi: 21-25 Haziran 2019
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61 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Denizli Karma Sergisi
Büyükşehir - Gündem Güzel Sanatlar ve Telif Hakları
Denizli Etkinliği
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Denizli Karma Sergisi
Yer: Pamukkale Üniversitesi İİB Fakültesi Konferans Salonu
Sergi Tarihi: 1 - 5 Mart 2019
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60 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Bursa Karma Sergisi
Büyükşehir - Gündem Güzel Sanatlar ve Telif Hakları
Bursa Etkinliği
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Bursa Valiliği, İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Bursa Karma Sergisi
Yer: Bursa Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi
Sergi Tarihi: 8-15 Şubat 2019
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59 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Balıkesir Karma Sergisi
Büyükşehir - Gündem Güzel Sanatlar ve Telif Hakları
- Balıkesir Etkkinliği
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Balıkesir Valiliği, İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Balıkesir Karma Sergisi
Yer: Balıkesir Karesi AVM Toplantı Salonunda
Sergi Tarihi:
11-13 Ocak 2019
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58 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Düzce Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Düzce Valiliği, İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Düzce Karma Sergisi
Yer:  Düzce Belediyesi Sanat Galerisi
Sergi Tarihi: 19 - 27 Ekim 2018
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57 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Osmaniye Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Osmaniye Valiliği, İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Osmaniye Karma Sergisi
Yer:  Park 328 AVM
Sergi Tarihi: 28 Eylül - 3 Ekim 2018
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56 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Ardahan Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Ardahan Valiliği, Ardahan İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Ardahan Karma Sergisi
Yer:  Tarihî Kongre Binası
Sergi Tarihi: 1 - 8 Haziran 2018
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55 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Konya Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi ile
Yer:  MEDAŞ Sanat Galerisi
Sergi Tarihi: 27 Nisan - 5 Mayıs 2018
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54 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Kilis Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
KilisValiliği, Kilis İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Kilis Karma Sergisi
Yer: Alaeddin Yavaşça Kültür Merkezinde
Sergi Tarihi: 30 Mart - 5 Nisan 2018
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53 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Iğdır Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Iğdır Valiliği, Iğdır İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Iğdır Karma Sergisi
Yer:  Kültür Merkezi - Iğdır
Sergi Tarihi: 2 - 12 Mart 2018
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52 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Yalova Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Yalova Valiliği, Yalova İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Yalova Karma Sergisi
Yer:  Yalova Belediyesi Kent Müzesi - Yalova
Sergi Tarihi: 3 -13 Şubat 2018
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51 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Bartın Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Bartın Valiliği, Bartın İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Bartın Karma Sergisi
Yer:  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Kültür Merkezi Salonu Bartın
Sergi Tarihi: 6 - 16 Ocak 2018
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50 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Şırnak Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Şırnak Valiliği - Gençlik Hizmetleri ve Spor İl Müdürlüğü ile Kültür ve Turizm İl Müdürlüğü'nün destekleriyle
Yer: Şırnak Gençlik Hizmetleri ve Spor il Müdürlüğü Salonu
Sergi Tarihi: 1 – 25 Aralık 2017
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49 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Karaman Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Karaman Valiliği, Karaman İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Karaman Karma Sergisi
Yer: Karaman Hatuniye Medresesi
Sergi Tarihi: 4 – 9 Kasım 2017
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48 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Batman Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Batman Valiliği, Batman İl Turizm Müdürlüğü Batman Karma Sergisi
Yer: İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Kültür Merkezi Galerisi
Sergi Tarihi: 13 – 20 Ekim 2017
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47 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Tunceli Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Tunceli Valiliği, Tunceli İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Tunceli Karma Sergisi
Yer:  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Kültür Merkezi Tunceli
Sergi Tarihi: 29 Eylül – 8 Ekim 2017
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46 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Bayburt Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Bayburt Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Bayburt Karma Sergisi
Yer: Bayburt Üniversitesi Konferans ve sergi salonu – Kampüs - Bayburt
Sergi Tarihi: 4- 11 Agustos 2017
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45 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Çankırı Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Çankırı Valiliği, Çankırı İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Çankırı Karma Sergisi
Yer: 100. Yıl Kültür Merkezi Çankırı
Sergi Tarihi: 4 - 24 Temmuz 2017
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44 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Hakkari Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Hakkâri Valiliği, Hakkâri İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Hakkâri Karma Sergisi
Yer: Hakkâri Atatürk Kültür Merkezi
Sergi Tarihi: 2 – 8 Haziran 2017
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43 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Yozgat Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Yozgat Valiliği, Yozgat İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Yozgat Karma Sergisi
Yer: Yozgat Kültür Merkezi
Sergi Tarihi: 6- 12 Mayıs 2017
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42 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Uşak Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Uşak Valiliği, Uşak İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Uşak Karma Sergisi
Yer: Uşak Belediyesi Atatürk Kültür Merkezi  Sergi Salonu – Uşak
Sergi Tarihi: 1 – 8 Nisan 2017
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41 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Bitlis Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Bitlis Valiliği, Bitlis İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Bitlis Karma Sergisi
Yer:  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi - Bitlis
Sergi Tarihi: 3 – 10 Mart 2017
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40 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Kırşehir Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Kırşehir Valiliği, Kırşehir İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Kırşehir Karma Sergisi
Yer:  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi - Kırşehir
Sergi Tarihi: 11 – 17 Şubat 2017
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39 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Amasya Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Amasya Valiliği, Amasya İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Amasya Karma Sergisi
Yer: Hazeranlar Konağı Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi 
Sergi Tarihi: 13 – 20 Ocak 2017
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38 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Afyonkarahisar Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Afyonkarahisar Valiliği, Afyonkarahisar İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Afyonkarahisar Karma Sergisi
Yer: Afyon Lisesi Sergi Salonu - Afyonkarahisar
Sergi Tarihi: 17-27 Aralık 2016
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37 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Tokat Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Tokat Valiliği, Tokat İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Tokat Karma Sergisi
Yer: Sümbül Baba Zaviyesi - Tokat
Sergi Tarihi: 18 – 25 Kasım 2016
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36 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Siirt Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Siirt Valiliği, Siirt  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü  Siirt Karma Sergisi
Yer: Kültür Merkezi - Siirt
Sergi Tarihi: 27 Ekim 2016
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35 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Bingöl Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Bingöl Valiliği, Bingöl  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü  Bingöl Karma Sergisi
Yer: Sanat Sokağı – Hükümet Caddesi - Bingöl
Sergi Tarihi: 7-12 Eylül 2016
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34 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Sinop Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Sinop Valiliği, Sinop  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü  Sinop Karma Sergisi
Yer: Sinop Kültür Merkezi - Sinop
Sergi Tarihi: 15 – 25 Temmuz 2016
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33 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Kars Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Kars Valiliği, Kars  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü  Kars Karma Sergisi
Yer: Kars Kültür Merkezi Galerisi - Kars
Sergi Tarihi: 24 Haziran – 04 Temmuz 2016
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32 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Artvin Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Artvin Valiliği,  Artvin  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü  Artvin Karma Sergisi
Yer: Artvin Valilik Sergi Salonu
Sergi Tarihi: 27 Mayıs – 3 Haziran 2016
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31 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Kayseri Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Kayseri Valiliği,  Kayseri  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Kayseri Karma Sergisi
Yer: Atatürk evi - Kayseri
Sergi Tarihi: 1 – 8 Nisan 2016
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30 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Bilecik Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Bilecik Valiliği,  Bilecik  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü  Bilecik Karma Sergisi
Yer: Bilecik Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi - Bilecik
Sergi Tarihi: 11 - 18 Mart 2016
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29 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can Akın Rize Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlığı - Gesam, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Rize Valiliği,  Rize  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü  Rize Karma Sergisi
Yer: İsmail Kahraman Kültür Merkezi - Rize
Sergi Tarihi: 19 – 25 Şubat 2016
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28 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Denizli Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Denizli Valiliği,  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü
Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Denizli Karma Sergisi
Yer: Büyükşehir Belediyesi Turan Bahadır Sergi Salonu - Denizli
Sergi Tarihi: 22-30 Ocak 2016
Tahmini Ziyaretçi : 2.000
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27 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Ankara Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
29. Yılında Kutlama Plastik Sanatlar Ankara Karma Sergisi
Yer: YV Boutique Hotel Sergisi Oran – Ankara
Sergi Tarihi : 25 Aralık 2015 - 5 Ocak 2016
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26 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Niğde Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Niğde Valiliği - İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Niğde Karma Sergisi
Yer:  Kültür Merkezi -  Niğde
Tarih: 5 – 15 Aralık 2015
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25 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN  Kahramanmaraş Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Kahramanmaraş Valiliği - İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Kahramanmaraş Karma Sergisi
Yer: Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Kültür Merkezi - Kahramanmaraş
Sergi Tarihi : 7- 17 Kasım 2015
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24 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Ankara Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
29. Yılı Kutlama Ankara Karma Sergisi.
Yer: YV Boutique Hotel Sergi Salonu – Oran - Ankara
Sergi Tarihi: 28 Ağustos - 8 Eylül 2015 Cuma
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23 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Ordu Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Ordu Valiliği -  İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Ordu Karma Sergisi.
Yer: Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi -  Ordu
Sergi Tarihi: 9 - 19 Ekim 2015
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22 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Karabük Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Karabük Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Safranbolu Fethi Toker Güzel Sanatlar ve Tasarım Fakültesi,
Safranbolu Kültür ve Sanat Vakfı 
Safranbolu Belediyesi - Karma Sergisi.
Yer: Cıngıllıoğlu Sanat Galerisi Salonu - Safranbolu – Karabük
Sergi Tarihi: 18 - 28 Eylül 2015
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21 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Kütahya Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Kütahya Valiliği - İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Kütahya Karma Sergisi.
Yer: İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi - Kütahya
Sergi Tarihi: 15 Ağustos 2015 - 22 Ağustos 2015
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20 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Kırklareli Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Kırklareli Valiliği - İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Kırklareli Karma Sergisi.
Yer: Prof. Dr. Gültaç Özbay Sanat Galerisi Salonu - Kırklareli
Sergi Tarihi : 31 Temmuz 2015 - 8 Ağustos 2015
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19 -  Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Kırıkkale Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Kırıkkale Valiliği - İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Kırıkkale Karma Sergisi.
Yer: Kırıkkale İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü,  Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi
Sergi Tarihi: 13 – 20 Haziran 2015
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18 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Isparta Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Isparta Valiliği - İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Isparta Karma Sergisi.
Yer: Isparta İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü,  Güzel Sanatlar Sergi Salonunda
Sergi Tarihi : 2 - 8 Mayıs 2015
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17 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Gümüşhane Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Gümüşhane Valiliği -  İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Gümüşhane Karma Sergisi.
Yer: Kültür Merkezi – Gümüşhane
Sergi Tarihi : 28 Nisan - 6 Mayıs 2015
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16 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Şanlıurfa Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Urfa Medeniyetler Turizm Araştırma Merkezi - Şanlıurfa Karma Sergisi.
Yer: Nevali Hotel Galeri Salonu - Şanlıurfa
Sergi Tarihi : 26 - 31 Mart 2015
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15 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Kocaeli Karma Sergisi
T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı - GESAM, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği
Kocaeli Valiliği, İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Kocaeli Karma Sergisi.
Yer: İzmit Eski Tren Garı Sanat Galerisinde İzmit -Kocaeli
Sergi Tarihi:  6-17 Şubat 2015
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14 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Balıkesir Kişisel Sergisi
"Can AKIN Fotoğraf Sergisi" Balıkesir Tülükabakları
Yer: Balıkesir Yaylada AVM Sanat Galerisinde
Sergi Tarihi: 16 Eylül - 05 Ekim 2010
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13 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Balıkesir Kişisel Sergisi
"Can AKIN Fotoğraf Sergisi" - Balıkesir Tülükabakları
Balıkesir Valiliği, İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü
Yer: Balıkesir Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Galerisi Saat Kulesi Yanı - Balıkesir
Sergi Tarihi: : 6 - 15 Eylül 2010
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12 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Samsun Kişisel Sergisi
Can AKIN "Mevlana Konulu" Fotoğraf Sergisi
Samsun Yeşilyurt Alışveriş ve Yaşam Merkezinde
Yer: Yeşilyurt Alışveriş ve Yaşam Merkezi Galerisi - Samsun
Sergi Tarihi: 6  Eylül - 6 Ekim 2008
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11 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN İzmir Kişisel Sergisi
 "Can AKIN Mevlana Fotoğraf Sergisi"
İzmir Valiliği - Konak Kaymakamlığı
Yer: Frida Sanat Evi 1456 sk 96-2 Alsancak – İzmir
Sergi Tarihi: 10 - 24 Ocak 2008
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10 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN İzmir Kişisel Sergisi
" Can AKIN Mevlana Fotoğraf Sergisi"
İzmir Valiliği Urla Kaymakamlığı  - İzmir
Yer: Hakan Çeken Kültür Merkezi Urla – İzmir
Sergi Tarihi: 30 Kasım - 10 Aralık 2007
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9 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Ankara Kişisel Sergisi
"Can AKIN Mevlana Fotoğraf Sergisi"
Maliye Bakanlığı Milli Piyango Genel Müdürlüğü
Yer: Milli Piyango Talih Kuşu Sanat Galerisi - Kızılay – Ankara
Sergi Tarihi: 02 Ekim -  10 Ekim 2007  
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8 -  Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Muğla Kişisel Sergisi
"Can AKIN Mevlana Fotoğraf Sergisi"
Yer: Tarot Galeri - Cafe / Turgutreis – Bodrum - Muğla
Sergi Tarihi: 04 Ağustos -  04 Eylül 2007  
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7 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Ankara Karma Sergisi
Ankara Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Büyük Elçiliği -  U.S. Embassy, Ankara
Türk - Amerikan Derneği   "Türk-Amerikan Dostluğundan Yansımalar" Ankara Sergisi
Yer: Türk - Amerikan Derneği  "Turkish - American Association"- M. Emin Hekimgil Sanat Galerisi Çankaya – Ankara
Sergi Tarihi: 7 Haziran - 7 Temmuz 2007
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6 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Ankara Kişisel Sergisi
" Can AKIN Mevlana Fotoğraf Sergisi "
Yer: Neva Sanat Ve Gelişim Merkezi - Bilkent / Ankara
Sergi Tarihi: 18 Mayıs - 18 Haziran 2007
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5 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Ankara Kişisel Sergisi
"Can AKIN Mevlana Fotoğraf Sergisi"
Beypazarı Belediye Başkanlığı -  Ankara 
Yer: Beypazarı Belediyesi Halk Evi Beypazarı - Ankara
Sergi Tarihi: 02 Haziran - 03 Haziran 2007
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4 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Ankara Kişisel Sergisi
"Can AKIN Mevlana Fotoğraf Sergisi"
Türk- Amerikan Derneği -  Ankara 
Yer: Türk - Amerikan Derneği  M. Emin Hekimgil Sanat Galerisi "Turkish - American Association" Çankaya - Ankara
Sergi Tarihi: 15 Mayıs  - 31 Mayıs 2007
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3 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Zonguldak Kişisel Sergisi
"Can AKIN Mevlana Fotoğraf Sergisi"
Zonguldak Valiliği - İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü - Zonguldak
Yer: İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Atatürk Kültür Merkezi – Zonguldak
Sergi Tarihi : 21 Nisan - 30 Nisan 2007   
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2 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN Giresun Kişisel Sergisi
"Can AKIN Mevlana Fotoğraf Sergisi"
Giresun Valiliği - Emniyet Müdürlüğü - İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü - Giresun
Yer: İl Kültür Ve Turizm Müdürlüğü "Can Akengin Sanat Galerisi" -  Giresun
Sergi Tarihi: 09 Nisan - 11 Nisan 2007
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1 - Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Can AKIN İsranbul Karma Sergisi
 İstanbul Valiliği - Emniyet Müdürlüğü "Sanatçı Polisler Sergisi"
Yer: Yeminli Mali Müşavirler Odası Sanat Platformu İstiklal Caddesi No: 302 Beyoğlu / İstanbul
Sergi Tarihi: 03 Nisan - 10 Nisan 2007
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Yurtdışında yaşayan Türk ve Mevlana hayranı yabancılar tarafından tanınan 1958 doğumlu Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı ve İçişleri Bakanlığı'nda çeşitli görevlerde bulunarak aynı kurumdan başarılı bir sicille emekli olmuştur. Uluslararası Yabancı bir kuruluşun Türkiye danışmanlığını yapmaktadır...

Sanatçı olarak olanakları ölçüsünde yurt dışındaki müzeleri ve sanat merkezlerini gezme olanağı yarattı. Arnavutluk, Almanya, Avusturya, Azerbaycan, Belçika, Bulgaristan, Fransa, Gürcistan, Hırvatistan, Hollanda, İran, İtalya, Karadağ, Kıbrıs, Kosova, Lübnan, Lüksemburg, Macaristan, Malta, Makedonya, Nahcivan, Polonya, Romanya, Sırbistan, Slovakya, Ukrayna, Vatikan, Yunanistan'ın bütün kentlerinde bulunan önemli müze ve sanat merkezlerini görme inceleme olanağı bulmuştur.

Kendisine özgü aşk şiirlerinin yanı sıra, Küresel Isınma, Terör, Uyuşturucu ve Çocuk Pornografisine karşı yazıları ve fotoğrafları "Türkiye'nin genç liderlere ihtiyacı var. Her konuda, her alanda genç lider yetiştirmeliyiz. Hepimiz Lideriz diyen Bülent Şenver'e ait TÜRK LİDER' gazetesinde yayınlanmaktadır.

2005 yılında Konya Mevlana Şebb-i Aruz Törenleri esnasında çektiği fotoğrafları, UNESCO'nun 2007 yılını Mevlana Huzur ve Sevgi Yılı ilan etmesinden dolayı çok büyük ilgi ve talep ile karşılanmaktadır. Fotoğraflarını dijital ortamda yurtdışında Almanya - Duesseldorf, Belçika - Antwerpen, Fransa - Paris, Hollanda - Amsterdam, Kıbrıs - Magosa, Lüksemburg Büyük Dükalığın'da sergi açmıştır. En son Polonya'da Varşova Üniversitesinde, Macaristan'da Pecs Üniversitesinde Fotoğraflarını dijital olarak sergilemiştir.

T.B.M.M Dostluk Gruplarının Teklifi, T.C Dışişleri Bakanlığının onayları, T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının olurları ile Telif Hakları Genel Müdürlüğü bünyesinde GESAM Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği İle Azerbaycan'a bağlı Nahcivan Özerk Cumhuriyeti, Arnavutluk - Tiran, İran - Tebriz, Polonya – Varşova, Ukrayna – Kiev, Lübnan - Beyrut'ta Karma Sergilere fiilen katılarak, Mevlana'yı tanıtımında bulunmuş, İngilizce kitaplarını imzalayarak hediye etmiştir.

Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Telif Hakları Genel Müdürlüğü bünyesinde faaliyet gösteren Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği (GESAM), "Türkiye Sergileri" programı çerçevesinde Dünyada ilk defa her ay Türkiye'nin 81ilinde sergi açarak rekor kırarak sanat dünyasına adını yazdırmıştır. Bu projede fiilen yer alan Sanatçı Can Akın: Afyonkarahisar, Amasya, Ankara, Ardahan, Artvin, Bartın, Batman, Bayburt, Bilecik, Bingöl, Bitlis, Çankırı, Denizli, Düzce, Gümüşhane, Hakkâri, Iğdır, Isparta, Kahramanmaraş, Karabük, Karaman, Kars, Kayseri, Kırıkkale, Kırklareli, Kırşehir, Kilis, Kocaeli, Konya, Kütahya, Niğde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Siirt, Sinop, Şanlıurfa, Şırnak, Tokat, Tunceli, Uşak, Yalova, Yozgat illerinde toplam 42 şehirde fiilen sergilere katılarak eserleriyle Mevlana'yı tanıttı.

Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Telif Hakları Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından desteklenen "Büyükşehir-Gündem: Güzel Sanatlar ve Telif Hakları" konulu etkinliklerinde. GESAM Meslek Birliği tarafından düzenlenen, Balıkesir, Bursa, Denizli, Eskişehir, Kocaeli, Konya sergilerine katılmıştır.

14 kişisel sergi açan sanatçı, Giresun, İstanbul, İzmir, Muğla, Samsun, Zonguldak illeriyle toplam 51 İlde sergilere katılmıştır. Türkçe – İngilizce Mevlana şiir kitaplarını Şehirlerde Kütüphanelere ve sergilere gelen sanatseverlere imzalı kitaplarını ücretsiz dağıttı. Her ilde Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğünün önerdiği müzeleri ve tarihi ve doğal alanları sanatçı arkadaşları ile gezdi.

Türkiye'de yaşayan yabancı sanatçılarla birçok sergilere katıldı, Moldova Asıllı Uluslararası ressam Ecaterina Nikolau Mevlana ve Kültürünü anlatarak Dünyada ilk defa "Mevlana ve Semazenler" isimli sergilerini koordinatörlüğünü yaparak Kocaeli – İzmit Gar Sanat Galerisi, Cumhuriyet Parkı - İzmit Belediyesi sanat galerisi ve Sabancı Kültür Merkezinde semazenli açılışları basın ve halk tarafından çok büyük ilgi aldı.

Eğitimci, Yazar, Şair, Ressam Nilüfer Dursun ile Türkçe - İngilizce olarak çıkardığı "Uncle Ece The Ghazi & Little Can" Öykü kitabı ve "I LOVE YOU" - "Manevi İklimler Ozanı Mevlana" " Poet Of The Moral Climates Mevlana " - "Sevgi İçin Yaşamak" "Living For Love" - Türkçe İngilizce Mistik Şiirler - Turkish English Mystical Poems? İsimli şiir kitabı Yurt dışında Amerika, Avusturalya ve İngiltere'de büyük ilgi görmüştür.

Türkiye ve Dünya Edebiyatında ilk defa "KOZMİK ŞİİRLER" ismini kullanarak ve bu isimle "Senden Hiç Ayrılmadım ki" Kozmik Şiirler Albümünü Şair Nilgün NART ile piyasaya çıkarmıştır. Böylece şiir sanatında yeni bir ekolu da başlatmışlardır. Konusu Yaradılış Sevgisi olan, bütün bir Evreni de içine alan bir anlatımla şiirlerinde yeni bir akımın öncüsü olmuşlardır. "Senden Hiç Ayrılmadım ki" Kozmik Şiirler Albümü, Avrupa ve Amerika'da internet üzerinde en çok beğenilerek ve dinlenerek bir numara olmuştur.

Şiirlerinde yalın bir dil kullanan, Almanya da Düsseldorflu Can, Amerika'da Dr. Dream, Japonya'da Mr Mikado Kamekido, Türkiye'de de Mr Can Akın olarak tanınan Şair, bu şiirlerini her hafta 1.500.000'u aşkın hayranlarının internet adresine göndermektedir. Sosyal Medyada En çok takip edilen 500 Türk listesine girenler arasında yer almaktadır.

Şair ve Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Can AKIN tarafından düzenlenen Etkinlikler; insanlığın huzuru ve sevgiyi hatırlamalarına ve kültürler arası yakınlaşmaya vesile olması için Mevlana'nın sözlerinde yaşam bulan "Gel, Gel Ne Olursan Ol, Yine Gel" hizmet koşulsuzluğunda yürütülmektedir..

T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Telif Hakları Genel Müdürlüğüne bağlı, Türkiye İlim Ve Edebiyat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği İlesam üyesi olup, Türkiye Güzel Sanat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği Gesam, Basın ve Yayın Kurulu Başkanı ve Kocaeli il temsilcisi ve Kocaeli İl Bandrol Denetim Komisyon Üyesidir. Ayrıca International Police Association - Uluslararası Polis Birliği Ipa - Meslek Birliği üyesidir…

Şiir Cd


"Senden Hiç Ayrılmadım Ki "
Nilgün Nart - Can AKIN
Bilgi Ve Fotoğraflar İçin Tıklayınız...

Yazar, Şair, Fotoğraf Sanatçısı - Can AKIN - Kitapları


Aşk - Seni Seviyorum - Şiir Kitabı – Şair Can AKIN


Stories Of Memory - In Balikesir City Uncle Ece And Little Can - Written By: Can AKIN

Balıkesir'de Gazi Ece Amca Ve Ben Öykü Kitabı - Yazar: Can AKIN

TÜRKÇE - İSPANYOLCA / Turco - Español
Balikesir Ciudad, Su Héroe Ece Amca Y Yo Escribir: Can AKIN

TÜRKÇE - BULGARCA / Турски - Български
В Балъкесир Чичо Едже И Аз- Писател: Джан Акън-Разказ
Bulgarca - Balıkesir'de Gazi Ece Amca Ve Ben Öykü Kitabı - Yazar: Can AKIN



Türkçe - İngilizce - Poet Mr Can AKIN - Poet Nilufer DURSUN
Poetry Book - Love - I Love You



Manevi İklimler Ozanı Mevlana -  Poet Of The Moral Climates Mevlana


Sevgi İçin Yaşamak - Living For Love - Türkçe İngilizce Mistik Şiirler - Turkish English Mystical Poems



Born in 1958, known by foreigners who are Turkish and Mevlana fans living abroad, he worked in various positions at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Interior and retired from the same institution with a successful record. Turkey is the advisor of an international organization ...
As an artist, he created the opportunity to visit museums and art centers abroad as much as possible. Albania, Germany, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Georgia, Croatia, Netherlands, Iran, Italy, Montenegro, Cyprus, Kosovo, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Macedonia, Nakhichevan, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, He had the opportunity to see and examine important museums and art centers in all cities of Ukraine, Vatican, Greece.
In addition to his unique love poems, his writings and photographs against Global Warming, Terrorism, Drug and Child Pornography are published in the newspaper TURKISH LEADER by Mr Bülent Şenver. "Turkey needs young leaders. Each issue, we must train young leaders in every field. We Leaders"
His photographs he took during the 2005 Mevlana Sebeb-i Aruz Ceremonies are met with great interest and demand as UNESCO declared 2007 as the Year of Mevlana Peace and Love. He opened his photographs in digital media abroad in Germany - Duesseldorf, Belgium - Antwerpen, France - Paris, Netherlands - Amsterdam, Cyprus - Magosa, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Most recently, he exhibited his photographs digitally at Warsaw University in Poland and Pecs University in Hungary.
GESAM Turkey Works Owners Association of the Fine Arts with: Nakhichevan, Albania - Tirana, Iran - Tabriz, in Poland - Warsaw, Ukraine - Kyiv, Lebanon - Beirut Mixed joined the art exhibition.
Fine Art Work Owners' Association of Turkey (GESAM), Turkey opened the art exhibition in 81il. He made a first in the world. Actress Mr Can Akın, who actually took part in this project: Afyonkarahisar, Amasya, Ankara, Ardahan, Artvin, Bartın, Batman, Bayburt, Bilecik, Bingöl, Bitlis, Çankırı, Denizli, Düzce, Gümüşhane, Hakkâri, Iğdır, Isparta, Kahramanmaraş, Karabük, Actually in 42 cities in Karaman, Kars, Kayseri, Kırıkkale, Kırklareli, Kırşehir, Kilis, Kocaeli, Konya, Kütahya, Niğde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Siirt, Sinop, Şanlıurfa, Şırnak, Tokat, Tunceli, Uşak, Yalova, Yozgat provinces. He participated in the exhibitions and introduced Mevlana with his works. In his activities on Fine Arts and Copyright. He participated in the art exhibitions of Balıkesir, Bursa, Denizli, Eskişehir, Kocaeli, Konya, organized by the GESAM Professional Association.
Having 14 personal exhibitions, the artist participated in exhibitions in Giresun, Istanbul, Izmir, Mugla, Samsun, Zonguldak provinces and 51 provinces. He distributed Turkish and English Mevlana poetry books to art lovers who came to libraries and exhibitions in the cities free of charge. He visited museums and historical and natural areas recommended by the Culture and Tourism Directorate in every province with his friends.
With foreign artists living in Turkey has participated in many exhibitions, Moldova Ethnic International painter Ecaterina NiCOLAU Mevlana and explaining the culture for the first time in the world "Rumi and the Whirling Dervishes" By the coordinator of the exhibition called Kocaeli - Izmit Station Art Gallery, Republic Park - Izmit Municipality art galleries and Sabancı Cultural Center the whirling dervishes opened a great interest by the press and the public.

"Uncle Ece The Ghazi & Little Can" storybook, which was written in Turkish - English with the teacher, writer, poet, painter Nilufer Dursun And "I LOVE YOU" - "Spiritual Climates Ozani Mevlana" "Poet Of The Moral Climates Mevlana" - "Living For Love" Turkish English Mystical Poems. The poetry book is sold abroad in America, Australia and UK.
The first time in Turkey and World Literature "COSMIC POEMS" using the name and with the name "Senden never leave" Cosmic Poetry album has brought to the market with the Poet Nilgün NART. Thus, they started a new school in poetry. They became the pioneer of a new trend in their poems with a narrative that covers the entire Universe, which is the subject of Love for Creation. "I Have Never Left You" Cosmic Poems Album has become the number one in Europe and America with the most liked and rested on the internet.

Can, who uses plain language in his poems, is from Düsseldorf, Germany. Dream, Mr Mikado Kamekido in Japan, Mr Akin Can poet known as in Turkey, is to send these poems to the internet addresses of his fans over 1.500.000 every week. It is among the top 500 most followed Turkish list in Social Media.
Activities organized by the poet and photographer Mr Can AKIN; "Come, Come Whatever You Come, Come Again", which comes to life in the words of Mevlana, in order to remember the peace and love of humanity and to get closer to interculturality, is carried out in the unconditional service.
T. C. Culture and Tourism Ministry and the General Directorate of Copyrights, Turkey Science and Literature Work Owners' Association is a member İlesa. Turkey Works Owners Association of the Fine Arts I Gesam, Head of Press and Publication Board and Chairman of Kocaeli province and Ipa International Police Association - is a member.     

Quién es Can AKIN?


Nacido en 1958, conocido por extranjeros que son fanáticos de Turquía y Mevlana que viven en el extranjero, trabajó en varios cargos en el Ministerio de Agricultura y Silvicultura y el Ministerio del Interior y se retiró de la misma institución con un historial exitoso. Turquía es el asesor de una organización internacional ...
Como artista, creó la oportunidad de visitar museos y centros de arte en el extranjero tanto como sea posible. Albania, Alemania, Austria, Azerbaiyán, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Francia, Georgia, Croacia, Países Bajos, Irán, Italia, Montenegro, Chipre, Kosovo, Líbano, Luxemburgo, Hungría, Malta, Macedonia, Nakhichevan, Polonia, Rumania, Serbia, Eslovaquia, Tuvo la oportunidad de ver y examinar importantes museos y centros de arte en todas las ciudades de Ucrania, el Vaticano y Grecia.
Además de sus poemas de amor únicos, sus escritos y fotografías contra el calentamiento global, el terrorismo, las drogas y la pornografía infantil se publican en el periódico TURKISH LEADER del Sr. Bülent Şenver. "Turquía necesita líderes jóvenes. En cada tema, debemos capacitar a líderes jóvenes en todos los campos. Nosotros los líderes"
Sus fotografías que tomó durante las Ceremonias Mevlana Sebeb-i Aruz de 2005 se encontraron con gran interés y demanda cuando la UNESCO declaró el 2007 como el Año de la Paz y el Amor de Mevlana. Abrió sus fotografías en medios digitales en el extranjero en Alemania - Düsseldorf, Bélgica - Amberes, Francia - París, Países Bajos - Ámsterdam, Chipre - Magosa, Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo. Más recientemente, exhibió sus fotografías digitalmente en la Universidad de Varsovia en Polonia y la Universidad de Pecs en Hungría.
GESAM Asociación de Propietarios de Obras de Turquía de Bellas Artes con: Nakhichevan, Albania - Tirana, Irán - Tabriz, en Polonia - Varsovia, Ucrania - Kiev, Líbano - Beirut Mixed se unió a la exposición de arte.
Asociación de Propietarios de Obras de Arte de Turquía (GESAM), Turquía abrió la exposición de arte en 81il. Hizo un primer en el mundo. La actriz Sr. Can Akın, que en realidad participó en este proyecto: Afyonkarahisar, Amasya, Ankara, Ardahan, Artvin, Bartın, Batman, Bayburt, Bilecik, Bingöl, Bitlis, Çankırı, Denizli, Düzce, Gümüşhane, Hakkâri, Iğdır, Isparta, Kahramanmaraş, Karabük, actualmente en 42 ciudades de Karaman, Kars, Kayseri, Kırıkkale, Kırklareli, Kırşehir, Kilis, Kocaeli, Konya, Kütahya, Niğde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Siirt, Sinop, Şanlıurfa, Şırnak, Tokat, Tunceli, Uşak, Yalova, provincias de Yozgat. Participó en las exposiciones y presentó a Mevlana con sus obras. En sus actividades de Bellas Artes y Copyright. Participó en las exposiciones de arte de Balıkesir, Bursa, Denizli, Eskişehir, Kocaeli, Konya, organizadas por la Asociación Profesional GESAM.
Con 14 exhibiciones personales, el artista participó en exhibiciones en las provincias de Giresun, Estambul, Izmir, Mugla, Samsun, Zonguldak y 51 provincias. Distribuyó libros de poesía Mevlana en Turco e inglés a los amantes del arte que acudieron a bibliotecas y exposiciones en las ciudades de forma gratuita. Visitó museos y áreas históricas y naturales recomendadas por la Dirección de Cultura y Turismo en cada provincia con sus amigos.
Con artistas extranjeros que viven en Turquía, ha participado en numerosas exposiciones, la pintora de Etiopía Internacional de Moldavia Ecaterina NiCOLAU Mevlana y explicando la cultura por primera vez en el mundo "Rumi y los derviches giratorios" Por el coordinador de la exposición llamada Kocaeli - Izmit Station Art Gallery , Republic Park - Las galerías de arte del municipio de Izmit y el Centro Cultural Sabancı, los derviches giratorios abrieron un gran interés por parte de la prensa y el público.
Libro de cuentos " Uncle Ece The Ghazi & Little Can ", que fue escrito en turco - inglés con el maestro, escritor, poeta, pintor Nilufer Dursun y "I LOVE YOU" - " Spiritual Climates Ozani Mevlana " " Poet Of The Moral Climates Mevlana " - " Living For Love " Poemas místicos inglés Turco. El libro de poesía se vende en el extranjero en Estados Unidos, Australia y el Reino Unido.
La primera vez en Turquía y en la literatura mundial "POEMAS CÓSMICOS" usando el nombre y con el nombre "Senden nunca se va", el álbum de Poesía Cósmica ha salido al mercado con el Poeta Nilgün NART. Así, comenzaron una nueva escuela de poesía. Se convirtieron en los pioneros de una nueva tendencia en sus poemas con una narrativa que cubre todo el Universo, que es el tema de Love for Creation. El álbum de poemas cósmicos "I Have Never Left You" se ha convertido en el número uno en Europa y América con los más favoritos y descansados ​​en Internet.
Can, que usa lenguaje sencillo en sus poemas, es de Düsseldorf, Alemania. Sueño, el Sr. Mikado Kamekido en Japón, el poeta del Sr. Akin Can conocido como en Turquía, es enviar estos poemas a las direcciones de Internet de sus fanáticos más de 1.500.000 cada semana. Se encuentra entre las 500 principales listas turcas más seguidas en las redes sociales.
Actividades organizadas por el poeta y fotógrafo Mr Can AKIN; "Ven, ven lo que vengas, ven de nuevo", que cobra vida en las palabras de Mevlana, para recordar la paz y el amor de la humanidad y acercarse a la interculturalidad, se lleva a cabo en el servicio incondicional.
Actividades organizadas por el poeta y fotógrafo Mr Can AKIN; "Ven, ven lo que sea que vengas, ven de nuevo", que cobra vida en las palabras de Mevlana, para recordar la paz y el amor de la humanidad y acercarse a la interculturalidad, se lleva a cabo en el servicio incondicional.
T. C. El Ministerio de Cultura y Turismo y la Dirección General de Derechos de Autor, Asociación de Propietarios de Trabajo de Ciencia y Literatura de Turquía es miembro de İlesa. Turquía es miembro de la Asociación de Propietarios de Obras de Bellas Artes I Gesam, Jefe de la Junta de Prensa y Publicaciones y Presidente de la provincia de Kocaeli y de la Asociación Internacional de Policía de Ipa.


                 признана Турции и Маулану поклонник иностранцев, проживающих за рубежом Родился в 1958 выполнения различных задач лесной и Министерство по водным делам и МВД, Он ушел из того же учреждения в успешных записей целей.

                  Услуги создает возможность посетить музеи и художественные центры за рубежом степени. Германия, Австрия, Азербайджан, Бельгия, Болгария, Франция, Грузия, Нидерланды, Италия, Кипр, Люксембург, Венгрия, Мальта, Македония, Нахичевань, Польша, Румыния, Сербия, Словакия, Украина, Ватикан, наиболее важных музеев Греции расположены во всех городах расследование и он имел возможность увидеть художественный центр.

                    а также стихи о любви, глобальное потепление, террора, хорошо известен своими статьями против наркотиков и детской порнографии.

                    Кроме того, он является международным фотографом, и его приветствуют с большим интересом и спросом из-за объявления фотографий, сделанных во время Церемоний Конья Мевлана Şebb-i Aruz в 2005 году, Всемирного года любви и любви 2007 года в Мевлане. Он выставил свои фотографии за границей в Германии, Бельгии, Франции, Голландии, Кипре, Люксембурге. Недавно он выставил свои фотографии в Варшавском университете в Польше и в Университете Печ в Венгрии.

                    Международный художник-художник, автор, Генеральная ассамблея Министерства культуры и туризма и Главное управление авторских прав с участием Ассоциации турецких художников-исполнителей GESAM в Нахичевани, Албании, Иране и Польше с одобрения Министерства иностранных дел Турции Иностранные дела. Будучи поэтом, он представил свои английские книги о Мевлане, подписавшись в дни открытия,

                  В Турции существует ряд городов в Турции, таких как Адана, Афьонкарахаисар, Амасья, Анкара, Артвин, Балыкесир, Бэтмен, Байбурт, Биледжик, Бинголь, Битлис, Чанкыры, Денизли, Гиресун, Гюмюшхане, Хаккари, Испарта, Стамбул, Измир , Кахраманмараш, Карабук, Кырыккале, Кыркларели, Кыршехир, Коджаэли, Кютахья, Мерсин, Мугла, Нигде, Орду, Ризе, Самсун, Сиирт, Синоп, Шанлыурфа, Шырнак, Токат, Тунджели, Ушак и Зонгулдак ... (14 персональных выставок) в 43 городах (14 персональных выставок), в том числе GESAM (Турецкое общество работников изобразительных искусств), работающих в области изобразительного искусства и авторского права в Министерстве культуры и туризма - Генеральная дирекция авторских прав, представила книги для городских библиотек и поклонников, которые участвовали в смешанные выставки в рамках «Выставки в Турции»
                 Просветитель, писатель, поэт, художник Nilufer Dursun и турецкий - интерес к английскому "Дядя ЕЭК Гази и Маленький Джон" История книги, и "Я тебя люблю" - "духовный климат Поэт Руми" "поэт Моральные климатов Мевланы" - "Любовь жить "," Жизнь за любовь "- турецкий английский Мистическая поэзия - Турецкий İngilizce Мистические Поэмы книги стихов ... Названный Америку за границей, были предложены для продажи в Австралии и Англии ...

                в первый раз в Турции и мировой литературы "Cosmic Стихотворения", используя имя и с именем "Senden никогда не покидают" Космический Поэзия альбом принес на рынок с поэтом Nilgun NART. Таким образом, они начали новую школу в искусстве поэзии. Автор Любовь творения, вся вселенная также в том числе рассказ с поэзией были пионерами нового тренда. "Я никогда не покинуть" Космический Поэзия альбом был номером один самый любимый и слушал в Интернете в Европе и Америке.

                   используя простой язык в своих стихах, Может из Дюссельдорфа в Германии, В Америке, д-р сниться, Япония Mar Микадо Kamekido, Г-н Can AKIN в Турции, а также известен как поэт, эти стихи, чтобы отправить по адресу в Интернете каждую неделю более 1,5 миллиона поклонников. Социальные медиа является одним из наиболее широко используется в турецком списке 500.

                    Поэты и фотографы могут мероприятия, организованные Акин; будет способствовать сближению между человечеством и культуры мира и любви, чтобы помнить слова Руми считает, что жизнь "Come, Come Whatever You, Come Again" осуществляется в службе безусловности ..

                   Т. С. В зависимости от культуры и штаб-квартире Copyright Министерства туризма, Турции науки и литературы работ ассоциации собственников труда - ILESA I является членом изобразительных искусств в Турции Работы Владельцы профессиональной ассоциации - Gesam является председателем информации и публикации совета и представитель Коджаэли. Кроме того, устанавливается Советом Министров, турецкой - Ассоциация македонской дружбы, представители провинции Коджаэли. Кроме того, Международная полицейская ассоциация - Ipe - член профессиональной ассоциации.


Er wurde 1958 geboren und ist Ausländern bekannt, die türkische und Mevlana-Fans sind, die im Ausland leben. Er arbeitete in verschiedenen Positionen beim Ministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft und beim Innenministerium und zog sich mit einer erfolgreichen Bilanz aus derselben Institution zurück. Die Türkei ist Berater einer internationalen Organisation ...
Als Künstler schuf er die Möglichkeit, Museen und Kunstzentren im Ausland so oft wie möglich zu besuchen. Albanien, Deutschland, Österreich, Aserbaidschan, Belgien, Bulgarien, Frankreich, Georgien, Kroatien, Niederlande, Iran, Italien, Montenegro, Zypern, Kosovo, Libanon, Luxemburg, Ungarn, Malta, Mazedonien, Nachitschewan, Polen, Rumänien, Serbien, Slowakei, Er hatte die Gelegenheit, wichtige Museen und Kunstzentren in allen Städten der Ukraine, des Vatikans und Griechenlands zu besichtigen und zu untersuchen.
Zusätzlich zu seinen einzigartigen Liebesgedichten werden seine Schriften und Fotografien gegen globale Erwärmung, Terrorismus, Drogen- und Kinderpornografie in der Zeitung TURKISH LEADER von Herrn Bülent Şenver veröffentlicht. "Die Türkei braucht junge Führungskräfte. In jeder Ausgabe müssen wir junge Führungskräfte in allen Bereichen ausbilden. Wir Führungskräfte"
Seine Fotos, die er während der Mevlana Sebeb-i Aruz-Zeremonien 2005 aufgenommen hat, stoßen auf großes Interesse und große Nachfrage, da die UNESCO 2007 zum Jahr des Friedens und der Liebe von Mevlana erklärt hat. Er eröffnete seine Fotografien in digitalen Medien im Ausland in Deutschland - Düsseldorf, Belgien - Antwerpen, Frankreich - Paris, Niederlande - Amsterdam, Zypern - Magosa, Großherzogtum Luxemburg. Zuletzt stellte er seine Fotografien digital an der Warschauer Universität in Polen und der Pecs Universität in Ungarn aus.
GESAM Turkey Works Owners Association of the Fine Arts mit: Nakhichevan, Albanien - Tirana, Iran - Tabriz, in Polen - Warschau, Ukraine - Kiew, Libanon - Beirut Mixed nahm an der Kunstausstellung teil.
Die türkische Vereinigung der Eigentümer künstlerischer Kunstwerke (GESAM) eröffnete die Kunstausstellung im Jahr 81il. Er machte eine Premiere in der Welt. Schauspielerin Herr Can Akın, der tatsächlich an diesem Projekt teilgenommen hat: Afyonkarahisar, Amasya, Ankara, Ardahan, Artvin, Bartın, Batman, Bayburt, Bilecik, Bingöl, Bitlis, Çankırı, Denizli, Düzce, Gümüşhane, Hakkâri, Iğdır, Isparta, Kahramanmaraş , Karabük, Eigentlich in 42 Städten in Karaman, Kars, Kayseri, Kırıkkale, Kırklareli, Kırşehir, Kilis, Kocaeli, Konya, Kütahya, Niğde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Siirt, Sinop, Şanlıurfa, Şırnak, Tokat Yalova, Yozgat Provinzen. Er nahm an den Ausstellungen teil und stellte Mevlana mit seinen Werken vor. In seinen Aktivitäten zu Bildender Kunst und Urheberrecht. Er nahm an den Kunstausstellungen von Balıkesir, Bursa, Denizli, Eskişehir, Kocaeli, Konya teil, die von der GESAM Professional Association organisiert wurden.
Mit 14 persönlichen Ausstellungen nahm der Künstler an Ausstellungen in den Provinzen Giresun, Istanbul, Izmir, Mugla, Samsun, Zonguldak und 51 teil. Er verteilte türkische und englische Mevlana-Gedichtbände an Kunstliebhaber, die kostenlos zu Bibliotheken und Ausstellungen in den Städten kamen. Mit seinen Freunden besuchte er Museen sowie historische und natürliche Gebiete, die von der Direktion für Kultur und Tourismus in jeder Provinz empfohlen wurden.
Mit ausländischen Künstlern, die in der Türkei leben, hat die Malerin Ecaterina NiCOLAU Mevlana von Moldova Ethnic International an vielen Ausstellungen teilgenommen und die Kultur zum ersten Mal in der Welt "Rumi und die wirbelnden Derwische" erklärt. Vom Koordinator der Ausstellung "Kocaeli - Izmit Station Art Gallery" , Republic Park - Kunstgalerien der Gemeinde Izmit und das Sabancı Cultural Center Die wirbelnden Derwische stießen bei Presse und Öffentlichkeit auf großes Interesse.
"Onkel Ece The Ghazi & Little Can" Märchenbuch, das auf Türkisch geschrieben wurde - Englisch mit dem Lehrer, Schriftsteller, Dichter, Maler Nilufer Dursun und "Ich liebe dich" - "Spirituelles Klima Ozani Mevlana" "Dichter des moralischen Klimas Mevlana" - "Living For Love" Türkisch Englisch Mystische Gedichte. Das Gedichtband wird im Ausland in Amerika, Australien und Großbritannien verkauft.
Das erste Mal in der Türkei und in der Weltliteratur "COSMIC POEMS" mit dem Namen und dem Namen "Senden Never Leave" Cosmic Poetry Album wurde mit dem Poet Nilgün NART auf den Markt gebracht. So gründeten sie eine neue Schule für Poesie. Sie wurden zum Pionier eines neuen Trends in ihren Gedichten mit einer Erzählung, die das gesamte Universum abdeckt, das Gegenstand der Liebe zur Schöpfung ist. "Ich habe dich nie verlassen" Cosmic Poems Album ist die Nummer eins in Europa und Amerika mit den beliebtesten und ausgeruhtesten im Internet.
Can, der in seinen Gedichten Klartext verwendet, stammt aus Düsseldorf. Traum, Herr Mikado Kamekido in Japan, Herr Akin Can Dichter, bekannt als in der Türkei, ist es, diese Gedichte jede Woche über 1.500.000 an die Internetadressen seiner Fans zu senden. Es gehört zu den 500 meistbesuchten türkischen Listen in den sozialen Medien.
Aktivitäten des Dichters und Fotografen Can AKIN; "Komm, komm, was auch immer du kommst, komm wieder", das in den Worten von Mevlana zum Leben erweckt wird, um sich an den Frieden und die Liebe der Menschheit zu erinnern und der Interkulturalität näher zu kommen, wird im bedingungslosen Dienst ausgeführt.
Das Ministerium für Kultur und Tourismus und die Generaldirektion für Urheberrechte der türkischen Vereinigung der Eigentümer von Wissenschafts- und Literaturarbeiten sind Mitglied der İlesam. Die Vereinigung der türkischen Werksbesitzer der Schönen Künste I Gesam, Leiter des Presse- und Publikationsausschusses und Vorsitzender der Provinz Kocaeli und der Ipa International Police Association - ist Mitglied. 


1958-ci ildə anadan olan, xaricdə yaşayan Türk və Mövlana pərəstişkarları tərəfindən tanınan Əkinçilik və Meşə Nazirliyində və Daxili İşlər Nazirliyində müxtəlif vəzifələrdə çalışmış və müvəffəqiyyətli bir qeydlə eyni qurumdan təqaüdə çıxmışdır. Beynəlxalq Yabancı bir quruluşun Türkiyə müşaviri etməkdədir ...

Bir sənətkar olaraq, mümkün qədər xaricdəki muzey və sənət mərkəzlərini ziyarət etmək fürsəti yaratdı. Albaniya, Almaniya, Avstriya, Azərbaycan, Belçika, Bolqarıstan, Fransa, Gürcüstan, Xorvatiya, Hollandiya, İran, İtaliya, Monteneqro, Kipr, Kosovo, Livan, Lüksemburq, Macarıstan, Malta, Makedoniya, Naxçıvan, Polşa, Rumıniya, Serbiya, Slovakiya, Ukraynanın, Vatikanın, Yunanıstanın bütün şəhərlərindəki əhəmiyyətli muzeyləri və sənət mərkəzlərini görmək və araşdırmaq imkanı əldə etdi.

Özünə xas eşq şeirlərinin yanında, Qlobal İstiləşmə, Terror, Narkotik və Uşaq Pornografisine qarşı yazıları və fotoşəkilləri "Türkiyənin gənc liderlərə ehtiyacı var. Hər mövzuda, hər sahədə gənc lider yetiştirmeliyiz. Hamımız lider deyən Bülent Şenver'e aid TÜRK LİDER 'qəzetində nəşr olunmaqdadır.

2005-ci ildə Mevlana Sebeb-i Aruz Mərasimləri zamanı çəkdiyi fotoşəkillər, YUNESKO-nun 2007-ci ilin Mövlana Barış və Sevgi ili elan etməsi ilə maraqla qarşılanır. Fotoşəkillərini Almaniyadakı xaricdəki rəqəmsal mediada açdı - Duesseldorf, Belçika - Antverpen, Fransa - Paris, Hollandiya - Amsterdam, Kipr - Magosa, Lüksemburqun Böyük Hersoqluğu. Ən son, fotoşəkillərini Polşadakı Varşava Universitetində və Macarıstandakı Peç Universitetində nümayiş etdirdi.

TBMM Dostluq Gruplarının Təklifi, TC Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin təsdiqləri, TC Mədəniyyət və Turizm Nazirliyinin olurlar ilə Müəllif hüquqları Ümumi Müdirliyi tərkibində GESAM Türkiyə Gözəl İncəsənət Əsəri Sahibləri Peşə Birliyi ilə Azərbaycana bağlı Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikası, Albaniya - Tiran, İran - Təbriz, Polşa - Varşava Ukraynada - Kiyev, Livan - Beyrutda Qarışıq Sərgilərdə iştirak etdi və Mövlananı tanıtdı, İngilis kitablarını imzaladı və təqdim etdi.

Mədəniyyət və Turizm Nazirliyi Müəllif hüquqları Ümumi Müdirliyi tərkibində fəaliyyət göstərən Türkiyə Gözəl İncəsənət Əsəri Sahibləri Peşə Birliyi (GESAM), "Türkiyə Sərgiləri" proqramı çərçivəsində Dünyada ilk dəfə hər ay Türkiyənin 81ilinde sərgi açaraq rekord qıraraq sənət dünyasına adını yazdırmışdır. Bu layihədə əslində iştirak edən sənətçi Can Akın: Afyonkarahisar, Amasya, Ankara, Ardahan, Artvin, Bartın, Batman, Bayburt, Bilecik, Bingöl, Bitlis, Çankırı, Dənizli, Düzce, Gümüşhane, Hakkari, Iğdır, Isparta, Kahramanmaraş, Karabük 42 şəhərdəki Qars, Kayseri, Kırıkkale, Kırklareli, Kırşehir, Kilis, Kocaeli, Konya, Kütahya, Niğde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Siirt, Sinop, Şanlıurfa, Şırnak, Tokat, Tunceli, Uşak, Yalova, Yozgat ili əsərlərində iştirak edərək Mövlananı tanıtdı.

Mədəniyyət və Turizm Nazirliyinin Müəllif Hüquqları Baş Müdirliyi tərəfindən dəstəklənən "Böyükşəhər-Gündəlik: Təsviri Sənətlər və Müəllif hüquqları" fəaliyyətləri. GESAM Peşəkar Dərnəyinin təşkil etdiyi Balıkesir, Bursa, Dənizli, Eskişehir, Kocaeli, Konya sərgilərinə qatıldı.

14 fərdi sərgiyə sahib olan sənətçi Giresun, İstanbul, İzmir, Muğla, Samsun, Zonguldak əyalətlərində və 51 ildə sərgilərə qatıldı. Türk və İngilis Mövlana şeir kitablarını şəhərlərdəki kitabxanalara və sərgilərə gələn sənətsevərlərə pulsuz olaraq payladı. Dostları ilə hər vilayətdəki Mədəniyyət və Turizm Müdirliyi tərəfindən tövsiyə olunan muzeylərə və tarixi və təbii ərazilərə baş çəkdi.

Türkiyədə yaşayan xarici sənətçilərlə bir çox sərgilərdə iştirak edib, Moldova əsilli Beynəlxalq rəssam Ecaterina Nikolau Mövlana və Mədəniyyətini izah edərək Dünyada ilk dəfə "Mövlana və Semazenlerin" adlı sərgilərinə koordinatörlüğünü edərək Kocaeli - İzmit Gar İncəsənət Qalereyası, Respublika Parkı - İzmit Bələdiyyəsi sənət qalereyası və Sabancı Mədəniyyət Mərkəzində Fırlanan dərvişlər mətbuat və ictimaiyyət tərəfindən böyük maraq gördü.

"Ece əmi The Ghazi & Little Can" hekayə kitabı və "SİZİN SİZİNİM" ilə "Tərbiyəçi, Yazıçı, Şair, Rəssam Nilüfer Dursun" və "Səni Sevirəm" - "Mənəvi Təmizlik Şairi Mövlana" - "Sevgi "Yaşamaq üçün" - Türkcə İngilis mistik şeirləri - Türkcə İngilis mistik şeirləri? Sərlövhəli şeir kitabı xaricdə, Amerika, Avstraliya və İngiltərədə böyük maraq gördü.

Türkiyə və Dünya Edebiyatında ilk dəfə "KOSMİK ŞİİRLER" adını istifadə edərək və bu adla "Səndən Heç Ayrılmadım ki" Kosmik Şiirler Albümünü Şair Nilgün NART ilə bazara çıxarmışdır. Beləliklə, şeir sahəsində yeni bir məktəbə başladılar. Yaradılışa sevgi mövzusu olan bütün Kainatı əhatə edən bir povest ilə şeirlərində yeni bir cərəyanın qabaqcılı oldu. "Mən səndən heç ayrılmadım" Kosmik Şeirlər Albomu ən çox bəyənilən və internetdə istirahət edən Avropa və Amerikada bir nömrəli oldu.

Şeirində sadə bir dil istifadə edərək, Almaniyanın Düsseldorf şəhərindən. Dream, Yaponiyada Mr Mikado Kamekido, Türkiyədə də Mr Can Akın olaraq tanınan Şair, bu şeirlərini hər həftə 1.500.000'u aşan pərəstişkarlarının internet ünvanına göndərməkdədir. Sosial Mediada ən çox izlənən 500 Türk siyahısında yer alır.
Şair və fotoqraf Can AKIN tərəfindən təşkil edilən fəaliyyətlər; "Gəl, nə gəlirsənsə gəl, yenə gəl" şərtsiz xidmət altında həyata keçirilir.
T. Ç Mədəniyyət və Turizm Nazirliyi Müəllif hüquqları Ümumi Müdirliyinə bağlı, Türkiyə Elm Və Ədəbiyyat Əsəri Sahibləri Peşə Birliyi İlesam üzvü olub, Türkiyə Gözəl İncəsənət Əsəri Sahibləri Peşə Birliyi Gesam, Mətbuat və yayım heyəti Başçısı və Kocaeli il nümayəndəsi və Kocaeli İl Bandrol Yoxlama komissiya üzvünün. O, eyni zamanda Beynəlxalq Polis Assosiasiyasının - Beynəlxalq Polis Birliyi Ipa - Peşəkar Birliyin üzvüdür ...   

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